Classified Documents and the “Press”

We got the bubble-headed bleached blonde, comes on at five.
She can tell you about the plane crash, with a gleam in her eye.
It’s interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry.

You don’t really need to find out what’s going on.
You don’t really want to know how far it’s gone.
Just leave well enough alone.
Eat your dirty laundry

Kick ‘em when they’re up, kick ‘em when they’re down.
Kick ‘em when they’re stiff, kick ‘em all around

Dirty Laundry -  Don Henley


I’m not generally a conspiracy theorist. But, I’m starting to rethink that. So many conspiracy theories of late have turned out to be true. From the “Russian Collusion” hoax, to the Hunter Biden laptop, to the Covid “misinformation police” and so on, we now know there actually were conspiracies on all of these issues between the government, the media and big tech to block the truth and feed us lies. They did this knowingly.

What we used to call the “mainstream” or “legacy” media has always been biased. I remember back in the 70s how determined Dan Rather and Mike Wallace were to go after then President Richard Nixon. They succeeded.

Bu bias is no longer a strong enough word. The “big 3” networks along with CNN and the NY Times and LA Times and Washington Post and so many others have truly become distributors of propaganda. They report that which helps the left and bury that which makes the right look good and, when necessary, “report” outright lies in order to benefit the cause of the Democratic party’s narratives. (See a prior article I wrote about Narratives) Talk Show host Dennis Prager has pointed out that the Soviet newspaper Pravda did the same thing. But at least they said right on their masthead that they were the official mouthpiece of the Soviet Communist party. NBC news says they report “the facts, the truth.” That statement is demonstrably false. They should describe themselves as something like “advancing the cause of a leftist takeover of America.”

One of the most glaring current examples is the lack of any acknowledgement in any form of the revelations revealed in the “Twitter files” recently released. Have you heard about them on CBS? They are being reported by a fellow named Matt Taibbi. Mr. Taibbi is no right winger. In fact, he is quite a bit left of center. But to his credit, he is an actual journalist and is reporting the facts that he can read in black and white (or I guess in digital 0s and 1s). The media, Big Tech and government cabal are co-conspirators here. This is actually a very big story. The propaganda media still has no problem ignoring it completely.

So, why report Joe Biden’s Classified documents “Corvettegate” case?

Those media outlets have been reporting on this nearly every day. Donald Trump’s press secretaries had a very difficult job as nearly every member of the press corps wanted to trap them. There would be a tough question, and then five follow-ups from the other “reporters” in the room. But for Biden’s two press secretaries, it has been easy-peasy lemon squeezy. Peter Doocy from Fox News will ask a tough question, KJP (Karine Jean-Pierre) will brush it off and there will be no follow-up as the next question will change the subject to something more positive for the administration. Suddenly however, the press is pressing her with question after question on why the White House lied about the classified documents or who had access to them. KJP quickly gets flustered since she hasn’t experienced this before and shuts down the press conference.

Even the leftist late night “Comedians” (they are no longer remotely funny) have turned. After two years of not making a single joke about the president offering the most comedic material of any president in my lifetime, they have “loosened up a bit” in the words of Dana Carvey. When asked why they make jokes about Republican presidents but not Biden, Colbert’s writers responded “That’s an interesting question”. But they are slowly joking about the documents case as Colbert recently quipped whether Biden was “a streetcar to three ladies.”

Again, Why? And why now?

There is only one reason I can think. The leftist media and entertainment have held Biden afloat this far, but they have decided he will be a liability in 2024. Even Democrats understand that Kamala is a zero and would be a disaster as president. But they can’t replace her on the ticket with a non-black female because that would be racist by their own rules. They are afraid that Biden will lose to almost any Republican not named Trump in 2024. Now, they are very careful to point out that Biden’s crimes here pale in comparison to the evils perpetrated with similar documents by Mr. Trump. But they still say what Biden did is bad. Wound him before he announces for reelection so he decides not to run.

Now, I have absolutely zero evidence of this “conspiracy.” I doubt that the CEO’s of NBC, CBS and the NY Times have a weekly call to coordinate how to help Democrats in the subsequent week. But there is no other logical explanation. If they can ignore Hunter’s laptop or the Twitter files, they can ignore these documents using the Biden line of “There’s no there, there.”

The commonality of the stories suppressed, and the stories covered amongst the legacy media outlets is uncanny. They seem to act as one. In theory, they are competitors. You would think that at least one of them would decide that reporting something different would give them a competitive advantage over the others. But they don’t. It is as though their profit motive is secondary to their political motive to advance leftism.

The cabal of Big Tech, Big Media and Big government to deceive the public is one of the greatest threats to democracy and our republic. The January 6th mania was just an attempt to have a shiny object to distract the viewers from the real threats perpetrated by the very people pushing the Jan 6 narrative. A radio station that I listen to here in Phoenix gives national ABC newsbreaks every half hour. The other night, the three news stories they presented were all hits on Republican officeholders in one way or another. I get most of my news from Daily Wire and Fox and Talk Radio and any number of other websites and podcasts. But we cannot avoid the “legacy” media because they are everywhere. We conservatives hear both sides of most things.

Not so our leftist friends or even our moderate friends who only pay attention to politics just before a vote. They don’t know what Daily Wire or the national Review are, but they read and hear the legacy propaganda. They never hear the other side.

The truth does not matter. What matters is what voters think the truth is. The media is manipulating that, even to the extent of deciding who is the standard bearer on their side of the aisle.

If we are going to prevail in elections going forward, we will need to get the real truth out there, even when it is not flattering to our side. We should not be like them. We are better than that. But not enough people know it yet.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
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