Midnight Musings

After midnight, we’re going to let it all hang down.
After midnight, we’re going to chug-a-lug and shout.
We’re going to stimulate some action.
We’re going to get some satisfaction.
We’re going to find out what it is all about.

After Midnight  -  Eric Clapton


I often wake up in the middle of the night. I didn’t used to. It’s a function of being older than dirt, I guess. 

I used to fight it, but now I embrace it. It’s quiet and a good time to think. Once I’ve jotted my thoughts down, I can often return to sleep and get a few more hours in so that the next day is not a total loss.

Last night, I had a bunch of quick thoughts on a number of items that are only related to one another in that they are all political in nature.

China Virus Power: By this I do not mean the power of the virus itself but the power that the virus has given to governments around the world to restrict our freedoms and movements and generally control our actions. In retrospect, it is no longer clear that the lockdowns after the first “2 weeks to slow the spread” were necessary. Maybe the pandemic would have been 1918-like without the monoclonal antibodies and the vaccines in those first few months. But it is also clear that many died during the shutdowns from suicides and other medical issues that went untreated or undetected. So, on balance, was it the right move? We will never know.

But what we do know now is that there is no reason for governments to have any restrictions anywhere any longer. The virus is much less deadly and there are many treatments available for it. It is now more like a regular cold or flu in terms of its virility, spread and mortality rate. Shutdowns and mandates now clearly cause more harm than good. But that won’t stop some governments from clinging to that power. 

Hunter Biden Conspiracy: I was silenced by Twitter back in 2020 for repeating the Hunter Biden laptop story from the New York Post. It was “false information.” Right. Now, the NY Times (NYT) ran a story, clearly with the OK of the White House (WH) , on Hunter Biden’s laptop and his criminal legal problems to date. BTW, they failed to present any Mea Culpa for stating in 2020 that the story was false, but that’s not the point of this writing. Why are the NYT and the WH interested in getting this story out now? Why not continue to bury it or deny it’s truth? 

Whenever a political person or entity fesses up to bad news about themselves, there is always an agenda. That agenda is usually trying to shape the narrative to be less damaging. Maybe that is what they are doing here. But the other untold (at least by the propaganda media) is potential connection to the “big guy” and the risk that this spills over into criminal acts by the president. 

I have never been a conspiracy theorist, except that lately, a lot of them have turned out to be true. So, maybe the NYT and the WH are willing to let Hunter go down to protect Joe now. Or maybe they still think they can save Hunter too. But here’s a more conspiratorial theory. It is clear that Joe is making the decisions in the WH lately, often overruling his advisors and cabinet. All of those decisions from Afghanistan to Ukraine have been bad ones. And the latest polls have his approval rating now as low as 33%. Maybe some people in the WH are OK seeing Joe go down and Kamala take over because Kamala, unlike Joe, will do what they say. Only that way can they save the Democratic party and neither Joe or Kamala will be elected president in 2024 anyway.

Stranger conspiracies have been true.

Subway Shooter: The shooter in last week’s NY subway shooting was a racist. He was a black person who hated white people. He wrote about it extensively. He wanted to kill white people.

Did you see anything on NBC or CNN or Bloomberg or the WSJ (other than the editorial page) about that? What if this had been a white person who had shot some black people and had written the same things about hating blacks. Would the news coverage had been the same?

I know I say it a lot but I can’t say it enough. The vast majority of the “news media” in this country is not news but total propaganda no different from that in totalitarian societies intended to manipulate public opinion to believe that what is not true is actually true.

More Oil: If sanctions work or are toughened to do so, the amount of Russian oil in the markets may decline. There are some indications that that is already happening to some degree. This obviously means higher prices but it could also mean shortages. If you think Biden’s approval ratings are bad now because of inflation just wait until there are lines to get gas. 

The Saudis and Emerates and Kuwaitis can and will pump more oil. But they want the Iran nuclear deal killed. So do I and every other sensible person in the free world. But the Biden Regime won’t do it. Maybe it’s because the current Secretary of State was instrumental in the original deal and he wants to save his legacy or maybe it’s because Orange Man did it and everything Orange Man did must be reversed even if it is unquestionably good. After all, Trump engineered the Abraham Accords which are the most significant peace treaty in the middle east since WWII. If you didn’t know that….have I told you what I think about the media? 

Anyway, the other place that can and will pump more oil to make up for the losses from Russia is, the good ole USA. But the oil and gas industry needs an unequivocal signal from the Biden Regime that allows them to spend that money to get more oil out of the ground without the risk of being shut down again. Biden won’t do that because the Climate warriors would get mad at him.

You have probably noticed that there are a few crises out there. A war and raging inflation being a couple of them. In any other White House or Governor’s office of which I have been aware, in the face of crises, someone up the chain will say “OK, I know the greenies are our friends, but we have to tell them they are going to lose this one because we’ve got bigger fish to fry.”

Joe Biden won’t do that. The Biden Regime is cowardly. We know they fear what far weaker countries might do to us militarily. But they also fear their own constituent groups. A government operating by and in fear will always fail.

Have a good night’s sleep. 

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive fast & live free


The Kids


Income Inequality and Inflation