Odds and Ends

And if it’s bad, don’t let it get you down.
You can take it.
And if it hurts, don’t let them see you cry,
You can make it.

Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head high.

Hold Your Head Up - Argent (1972)


As the chaos that defines this blog accelerates around us, there is no shortage of topics to discuss. Hence, this missive will comment on a number of issues. These issues are unrelated except for how they are all a part of the tumult building in our world.

Newsom v. DeSantis: I thought this debate would be good for both governors by raising their profiles nationally and showing how much more vibrant and articulate they could be than the current front-runners for each party’s nomination. I do think the debate helped DeSantis as he was in command of facts and was very substantive. But I think Newsom’s prospects as a presidential candidate in the future were harmed, even amongst Democrats. He had no answers to most of the criticisms of his state and did a lot of lying to cover up. Kamala Harris has had the same problem. Democrats in one-party California are never challenged because no one pays attention the few Republicans. Furthermore, the press, tech and entertainment industries and unions simply fawn over whatever the leaders say. Newsom was like a fighter that has only fought a punching bag, which does not punch back so he always wins. In a ring with someone who does punch back, he was unequipped to deal with it. The questions were absolutely Republican-leaning in the same way that all the questions from NBC, etc. are always Dem-leaning. Still, Newsom did not show well. If I were a Democratic strategist, I would start looking elsewhere from someone who can better appeal to a broader audience than just the lefties in LA and SF.

I will admit though, Newsom’s hair was outstanding as was the white of his teeth and his smile. On looks alone, he won. But at some point, I think people will start to overlook the “appeal” factor in search of competence. On that latter score, DeSantis shows better than anyone.

S2LGBTQII+++ and Hamas: Rather than use up my character limitations with that ever-growing list of letters, let’s call that alternative community of sexual diversification“S2.” Most of the major S2 leadership groups have come out in strong support of Hamas and the Islamist Nazis. This is curious, since these Islamists have made it clear that they want to kill all the S2 people as much as they want to kill all the Jews. Iran famously throws gay people off the tops of buildings simply because they are gay. It seems odd to support a group that wants you dead, until you see the common enemy that brings them together. Both S2 and the Islamists want the elimination of Judeo/Christian society and western values. So, in that sense they are kindred spirits. That said, I think if Dylan Mulvaney and a bunch of his ilk went to live in Gaza or Tehran, they would find the atmosphere considerably more hostile than at a Catholic grade school in Tennessee. These S2 groups are, in a word, nuts.

Hamas Animals: Some have called the Hamas fighters “human animals.” I think that is insulting to animals. Have you read about what they did on October 7th? Animals kill for food or protect. These people kill and torture for pleasure and fun and do it in the name of “Allah.” They are not animals. Only humans can be that bad. They are pure evil demons. I agree with the now suspended professor at my disgusting Alma Mater (USC) that they should all be killed. I pray the Israelis succeed in that effort.

AI: There is lots of hype these days about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and it’s potential. I’m sure it does have potential but like so many new technologies (.coms, self-driving, EVs, etc.) I suspect that its widespread use is farther off than is currently anticipated. That said, what worries me more is the potential for abuse with this technology. We tend to think that machines just do a job without the biases or emotions. The robot at a manufacturing plant does not change its behavior because the wrong person was elected president, nor does it perform poorly before or after vacation. AI will be programmed by people. And those people will program biases. We know that the Google Algorithm is programmed to favor leftist opinions and sources and buries conservative views. AI will likely do the same. The problem is that we humans are conditioned to think that these “machines” are unbiased, and we accept their responses as fact, even when they are not. AI can be programmed to deny the holocaust, as many leftists currently do. If the next generation believes what the “machine learning says, then indoctrination will be complete.

So, yes, I am concerned about AI. I do not trust anything about it and don’t believe you should either.

Trump and the Media: The media wants Trump to be the Republican nominee because they think he will be easiest to beat. But they clearly do not want him to be president. Notice how they are beginning to pivot as they think they may have achieved their first goal but are now scared to death that they might fail in their second objective and he might win in the general election. The hits are coming sooner than expected, even if it helps his primary rivals.

That noted Scientist Greta Thunberg has been quite vocal in her support of Hamas. Islamist Nazis are well known to be particularly concerned with global warming so of course this makes sense…

Biden: I loved this quote from an editorial by Gerald Baker in the Wall Street Journal about how Biden’s team is puzzled by his low approval rating: “Here he is, the kindly old man who came out of retirement to save American Democracy, cool a burning planet, restore faith in the nation’s global leadership and allow us the freedom to choose our own pronouns.” Perhaps though, the driving force behind Biden’s continued drive for reelection is more personal. It is very clear that the president and his family are guilty of major corruption and tax evasion and probably treason. These are not crimes that a red state can prosecute since Biden never lived in or committed these crimes from such a state. So, as long as he controls the federal DOJ, he and Hunter can stay out of jail. If another Democrat were to capture the White House, Biden would need them to do a Ford/Nixon preemptive pardon prior to stepping down. But if a Republican or independent is elected, he may be forced to live in a different federally owned building than the one he currently occupies…

Speaker: The moronic eight supposedly dumped McCarthy because he agreed to a short-term continuing resolution with no cuts and was willing to make a deal on Ukraine funding. Enter Speaker Johnson, who just agreed to a short-term continuing resolution with no cuts and says he is in favor of Ukraine funding.

Exactly why did they put the country and the GOP through this again? Oh yeah. Because they are morons.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive Fast & Live Free


This and That


The Parties, They are A-Changin’