Taking Western Civilization Down

Winters gettin’ colder, summer gettin’warmer.
Tidal wave comin’ across the Mexican border.
Why buy a gallon, it’s cheaper by the barrel.
Just don’t get busted singing Christmas carols.

That’s us. That’s right.
Gotta love this American ride.
Both ends of the ozone burnin’
Funny how the world keeps turnin’
Hot dog. Hot Damn.
I love this American ride.
Gotta love this American ride.

American Ride - Toby Keith


From the title of this missive, you will be excused for thinking that it is about China. It could be. But it’s not. That’s for another conversation. It is instead about the coordinated attack on western Judeo/Christian civilization from within. This may be one of the more important pieces I have written to date.

The left and the right in this country have argued for years about many issues. How much to tax. How much to spend. How to keep the nation safe. How to care for the poor and so forth. But there has never been a question about the fundamental underpinnings of our Judeo/Christian based civilization and the wisdom of those who drafted the constitution and created this country out of nothing.

No more. Those underpinnings are under attack. But, the attacks on western society are not direct frontal assaults. Our internal enemies are too smart for that. They know it won’t work. The vast majority of Americans still believe in this country, its constitution and most of the tenants of behavior and societal construct laid out by Moses and Jesus amongst others. Instead, the attackers are executing a multi-pronged tangential assault on society intended to bring it down piece by piece over time.

Allow me to explain.

Hedge Fund Billionaire George Soros and his son are funding campaigns for leftist District Attorneys in cities all over America. They have been successful enough that 20% of Americans now live in a city with a lead prosecutor out of the Soros mold. These DAs and prosecutors have an objective to let hardened criminals, including murderers and rapists, go free with as little jail time as possible. They even let criminals get away with breaking many of the new gun control laws that people on the left have been assiduously putting in place.

Why would you do that? What societal benefit even from the perspective of a normal Democrat is gained from more crime and less punishment? Only anarchy. Anarchy is a tool to bring down any society.

If you care about Climate Change caused by carbon-based fuels, why would you oppose all the sensible alternatives like nuclear and hydro-electric favoring only wind and solar which can never provide sufficient energy to maintain today’s living standards? Only if your real objective was to take down that society by starving it for energy and creating unrest and chaos as living standards collapse.

Fewer and fewer people in America are attending religious services and more and more describe themselves as atheist. The left is working to drive religion out of schools and families and every aspect of American life. They use a complete distortion of the First Amendment to ban all religious expression except for atheism, which is a form of religious expression. When you are certain that no God exists, then all those teachings of the Bible can be discarded and replaced with whatever your new overlords want to replace them with. Most, if not all totalitarian regimes of the last 100 years have atheism as core to their power and control.

Gender dysphoria is a real thing. It affects about 1/10th of 1% of the population. Why is there a push to get more people to have this disfunction and to make it a core part of curriculum for children? Answer: To tear apart science and society from within. The 1619 project teaches that America’s founding was based on racism, hate and evil and all that continues to this day. Why put that in schools? To rip out those underpinnings that we live in a great country and as fair a society as man has ever constructed.

You get the point.

But not enough people do. Most of the Democrats I know are good people. They are not wanting America brought down and re-shaped into the image of professors at Berkeley and Columbia. When they vote Democrat, they think they are voting for pro-choice laws and more gun control and a strong social safety net, etc. And they are indeed voting for those things. But they are also voting for all the anarchy and destabilization and forced atheism that I just described. But they don’t see that. This is not unusual historically. In many societies that became totalitarian, they did so with the consent of the people whose quality of life had deteriorated, and the leftists presented an alternative that seemed fair and attractive.

Now, if you suggest that there are other ways to deal with climate change or, heaven forbid, don’t believe in human caused climate change, you will be called a climate denier. Oppose the catch and release policies with felons in cities and you will be called an advocate for a police state and a racist. Favor prayer at a sporting event and you will be labeled a religious zealot who hates the 1st amendment. Oppose gender transition surgeries for minors and you are a bigot. And of course, if you reject the idea that America was founded on racism you are, of course, a racist.

Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me. That child’s retort I learned as a kid to respond to name calling has some validity here. Call me whatever names you like, but I am not going to stand passively by and watch, not just America, but western culture and Christianity dismembered by a bunch of radical totalitarian thugs. Challenge your Democrat friends if they believe in this stuff. If they don’t, they need to stop supporting people who do.

There are elected officials, regular folks, corporate people and some in media who are fighting this and fighting it hard. Join them. Support them.

Remember, this isn’t just about one issue or another. It is a coordinated effort to repeal all the foundations of America, Judeo/Christianity and western life and tradition.

There is literally nothing more important.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive Fast and Live Free




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