The Chaos Ramps Up

Boy the way Glenn Miller played.
Songs that made the Hit Parade.
Guys like me, we had it made.
Those were the days.

And you knew who you were then.
Girls were girls and men were men.
Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

People seemed to be content.
50 dollars paid the rent.
Freaks were in a circus tent.
Those were the days.

Didn’t need no welfare state.
Everybody pulled his weight.
Gee, our old La Salle ran great.
Those were the days.

Hair was short and skirts were long.
Kate Smith really sold a song.
I don’t know just what went wrong.

Those were the days!!!
— Those Were the Days - Theme to the TV Show All in the Family (1971)

You have not heard from me in two weeks. A lot happened in those two weeks. The Captivating Mrs. Campbell is very adept at pointing out when I am wrong, which does occasionally happen. Some of you readers are nearly as adept in highlighting my errors.

I said I thought the debate between Trump and Biden would not be a “pivotal point” and that no one would land a “knockout punch.” Boy, I could not have been more wrong. Although I can’t imagine that anyone thought one candidate (Biden) would deliver a knockout punch to himself!

I thought that Biden would stumble delivering the 90 minute State of the Union (SOTU) speech earlier in the year. He did not. He was hyped up on Red Bull or cocaine or whatever and was almost too energetic and screaming. I expected he would do the same for this debate. Both the SOTU and the debate kicked off at 9PM Eastern Time and both were 90 minutes.

So, why did he perform so much worse only a few months later? Perhaps he has deteriorated that much more in that time. Maybe they messed up the cocktail of drugs they gave him this time. Maybe the specter of having to face the Orange Man created an anxiety that reading a teleprompter speech in front of a crowd half filled with your devoted fans did not.

I don’t know what happened. But what we all saw is now “common knowledge.” Ben Hunt of the excellent website Epsilon Theory, postulates that common knowledge is not when “everyone” knows something. It is when “everyone knows that everyone else knows something.”

Lots and lots of people knew of Biden’s mental incapacity. Anyone who reads conservative media knew it. Everyone close to him knew it. The regime media knew it, although they denied that in order to help the Biden campaign. Many knew but they also knew that many others did not know, and planned to keep it that way. Regime media can no longer hide it because it was exposed on live TV and is truly “common knowledge” now.

You all know how favorable this has been to the Trump campaign. You also know how Mr. Trump smartly has said very little in the last two weeks. When your opponent owns the news cycle and is foundering, don’t get in the way of that.

It has been interesting to watch one of the standard bearers of regime media, the NY Times. They are not news. They are about pushing narratives to achieve political results. That is called propaganda. Before the debate, they called Biden’s gaffes “deep fake” altered videos, which of course they were not. After the debate, they now viciously attack Biden at every turn, including highlighting the very videos they had previously claimed were fakes. Why? Their objective is to defeat Donald Trump. They now believe that Joe Biden cannot do that. So, they want him out.

To call the NY Times a “newspaper” is insulting to real purveyors of actual news that are out there.

As of this writing, it looks like “I’m ridin’ with Biden” is winning out amongst the Dem elites. But there’s time left and he will undoubtedly have some more “bad nights” in the next couple of months, which the regime media will not ignore this time. The Biden family is a classic “crime family.” They will not let go of power and money unless they are forced out by their closest allies in the crimes. When Jim Clyburn, Obama, Jeffries and Schumer turn, it’s over. Until then, he will stay in. And if he does get out, I suspect Kamala is the only place they can go.

The bigger problem is the thought of who we have running the country for the next seven months. A demented man and/or a completely incompetent DEI Vice President. I frankly would have more trust in the former than the latter. There will be plenty of time in future missives to discuss the horrors of Kamala.

The United States is effectively leaderless right now. This is “common knowledge” throughout the world. If you are Bibi Netanyahu, this may give you room to do what you need to do to keep your country and its people from being exterminated without the interference of a president trying to win votes in Michigan. If you are Vladimir Putin, you are less concerned that the U.S. will ramp up anything against you. If you are Xi Jinping, you can be more aggressive in your international affairs because of an inert U.S. presidency.

Trying times indeed.

But, it is not just the United States with problems. Europe is devolving into a hot mess.

The UK has elected a labor government. Under the British system, they were able to get 63% of the seats in Parliament with only 34% of the vote. They do not have a mandate from the people. But they will act like they do. New Prime Minister Keir Starmer is talking just like Biden did in 2020. He is going to take a moderate course and unite the country. Just like Biden, he will not do that. He is a cardinal in the church of climate worship and his members are largely hard left and will push the country that way.

France is now a political mess. It is not just that no party has a majority. But the party that Macron “partnered” with to keep the populist right out is very pro-Palistinian Nazi and has already called for a 90% income tax.

Germany’s economy gets weaker all the time and the divisions in that country are widening.

As France and Britain turn left, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and others are on the populist right. The EU had a hard time staying together when France, Germany and the UK were the powerhouses that could dictate the policies. The UK is out (although Starmer may want to bring them back in) and both France and Germany have been weakened. Reports say that the European economy is only being held out of recession because of American tourists dropping gobs of strong dollars on travel there.

And while all this is going on, there are storm clouds building on the horizon economically for the United States as well. Yes, the economy is technically still growing as is employment and inflation is down from last year. But the inventory of new homes is the highest in years, meaning that home builders may start discounting or slowing construction. Same with apartment construction. Car sales are flat but incentives are on the rise. Both manufacturing and services are in contraction. In other words, there are lots of signs of slowing.

The massive Biden/Harris illegal immigration influx is obviously a big political issue and a terrorism risk. But what no one is talking about, is the economic impacts of this immigration. Because of all the new labor from immigration, unemployment is rising, rents are again rising (10 million people have to live somewhere), wages are declining, and government deficits are rising. These are not political talking points. They are observations by a broad swath of economists. None of this is good.

And finally, remember those deficits? Bigger every day. By a bunch. The debt crisis is coming, we are just not sure when.

Chaos indeed. Something is going to break. I hope Donald Trump wins. But the world and country he will inherit is in very bad shape and I’m not sure it is fixable by anyone in four years.

The song I picked for today is from a TV show that I never watched. It was a very liberal show (there were actual liberals back then) and I think I became a conservative in the womb. The theme song was meant to make fun of a traditional white conservative couple of the greatest generation named the Bunkers. But look at those lyrics today. I never owned a LaSalle (a car brand right below Cadillac in the GM hierarchy) and so cannot speak to the reliability of those cars. And I am a red blooded American male who is fond of short skirts. But, with those two exceptions, there is nothing in that song with which I do not agree. Many of us were taught that Herbert Hoover caused the depression and FDR ended it. Hoover was in office only eight months before the excesses of the prior decade (similar to what we are seeing now) led to the depression and it was really World War II, not the New Deal, that got us out of it. History is written by the victors and FDR was a victor. Herbert Hoover was a very good president.

Yes, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again. May “those days,” that is to say the good ones, come to us all again.

Until then, beware the chaos around you.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell

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