Toxic Climate Change

It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it,
And I feel fine.

It’s the End of the World as we know it – R.E.M.


Some years ago, when the whole climate change cacophony began, I was not that worried about it. It seemed to me that they were just environmentalists going a little too far beyond clean air, water and open space into this ethereal area of “greenhouse gases.” Of course back then, it was called “global warming.” The shift in nomenclature from “global warming” to “climate change” occurred about 15 years ago or so. The reason for the change is obvious. It was hard to sell the public on the catastrophe of “global warming” during record breaking cold snaps. By using the term “climate change” instead, the advocates can blame any extreme or unusual weather, be it hot cold or neither, on the evils like carbon energy that they wish to eliminate. 

Because I didn’t think the movement was that dangerous to liberty and prosperity, I was timid in my opposition to it. 

I was wrong. We need to start pushing back and pushing back hard. 

In spite of the fact that opposition to the religion of climate change will get you kicked off Twitter and Facebook, labeled a “science denier,” fired from any number of companies, and generally marginalized by any media outlet that is part of the propaganda cabal, it is time to fight back. 

And if they call you a science denier, just ask them if a woman can have a Y chromosome. 

The damage being caused by the climate change apostles is becoming too great. And they are just getting started. 

Let’s just name a few of the world’s new crises that were completely preventable and are creations of the climate change policies. The overt dependence of Europe on Russian gas, which is impacting the ability for Ukraine to win that war, is due to the shutdown of nuclear and coal powered electric facilities in Europe in the name of climate change. Many of these plants were supposed to be replaced by wind power, which stopped producing when the wind didn’t blow. In the name of climate change, the Biden Regime has stopped the production and/or transportation of a great deal of oil and gas in the United States, which raised the price of energy driving the massive inflation now crushing so many economies. “Greenflation” has entered the vernacular everywhere except the propaganda media. Many farms are either being replaced with solar and wind farms or are having their crops (ostensibly renewable) used to replace oil and gas as an energy source, driving down the supply of food and raising its cost. As we will likely see later this year, the world’s supply of food is on a razor’s edge of not being enough to supply the poorest in the world. Many may starve. Apparently, they are worthwhile sacrifices to “save the planet.”

What about the mining of minerals that will be necessary to make all those EV batteries? What about the disposal of the batteries? What about the electricity to run those EVs which is mainly produced worldwide by coal and natural gas? (If you want to upset a Greta Thunberg acolyte, put a “powered by coal” bumper sticker on their Chevy Bolt) What about the rare species of birds and other ground animals killed or displaced by those windmills or solar farms? The climate change warriors overlook all the real, immediate environmental destruction caused by their own policies. If these activities were being driven by economics or public desire rather than climate concerns, the environmental lobby would stop the creation of every mine, EV, battery, solar farm and windmill in the world.

The effects of the climate change devotees are no longer benign. Switching the world to more expensive and unreliable sources of energy causes inflation and reduces economic productivity. It also makes the world a more dangerous place when wars start. It also creates food scarcities and increased costs and more world hunger. That in turn, fosters instabilities in a number of countries which will lead to revolutions and wars and death. 

And for what? Even if you believe the dire predictions of some (certainly far from all) scientists, the “benefits” of doing all this will not be realized for decades. That is why they have just in the last few years begun to say that much of life on earth will end in a decade or two if we don’t meet all their demands. That can make the sacrifice of a few hundred million people now seem worth it. 

The primary advocates of all this climate change bunk, are very wealthy people in very wealthy countries who not only will make no sacrifices but are probably invested in “green initiatives” and stand to gain from all this. Living on Knob Hill in San Francisco or on the upper east side of New York city and having your gourmet food delivered to your door by a Door Dash driver in a Tesla, makes you virtuous. If the hard-working farmer no longer has land to farm, that’s too bad. If the family in Northern Africa can no longer afford or get food, it’s unfortunate. If the middle class family in Europe has to accept a much lower standard of living then their parents or grandparents, well, it will just have to be that way. If people in Wisconsin shiver in the winter without heat for their homes, they can just move to California. 

We cannot deny that the climate is changing. It has constantly changed for thousands of years. Rivers flood and dry up and change course. Seas wash over land and then recede. Ice flows and melts. What we can do is say that we really don’t know for sure if human activity is affecting it, or even if it is, in what way. But, what we absolutely know without any doubt, is that the policies being implemented by the climate changers worldwide, are doing a great deal of damage to the world right now, not 20 years from now. 

It's time for everyone who is not part of the faith-based climate change religion, to have the courage to stand up and say we’re not going to take it anymore.

If we don’t, the future will become darker and darker, and not because of the sky. 

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
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