Useful Idiots
“Don’t wanna be an American idiot.
Don’t want a nation under the new media.
Can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind F—k America.
Welcome to a new kind of tension,
All across the alienation.
Where everything isn’t meant to be OK.
Television dreams of tomorrow,
We’re not the ones who’re meant to follow.
For that’s enough to argue.”
I’m not sure from where the term “useful idiot” comes. But we all know what it means. It references a person who is, unbeknownst to them, being used by another person to achieve an objective which the “idiot” either opposes or does not care about.
Many of today’s Democratic voters are, unfortunately, useful idiots. When they vote for Democrats, they think they are voting for no limits on abortions, open borders, and lots of government spending on Democrat priorities. And they are indeed voting for these things.
But they are also voting for the complete deconstruction of American, Judeo-Christian civilization as well as the constitution and for its replacement with a Neo-Marxist authoritarian government. For the controlling forces in today’s Democratic party, this change in culture and the American construct is paramount. If they accomplish that, free abortions and confiscation of privately owned weapons will come in time. The “useful idiots” are voting for different icing when what they are really getting is a whole new cake.
You don’t believe me? Let me briefly just give you five examples with citations proving my point:
Racism: In the 1970s, a professor (Marxism’s main supporters are all professors) at UCSD by the name of Herbert Marcuse called on “radical teachers” to form an “anti-racist white movement” to “radicalize other teachers, organize the parents, teach and encourage students”. You thought “anti-racism” was a term invented after the death of George Floyd? No. It’s been around for 50 years. But these radical Neo-Marxists have been patiently working through institutions for decades to advance these ideas. They are succeeding. “All whites are racist,” said Barbara Applebaum, a “scholar” of “critical whiteness studies”. Why promote these ideas? If the fundamental premise upon which America was founded was evil and despicable, tearing it down is the morally right thing to do. America today is a meritocracy. Marxism cannot exist in a meritocracy because it requires the resources to be allocated by governmental power rather than ability and accomplishment. Critical Race Theory and DEI programs replace merit with various other measures that the ruling elites determine to be preferable.
S2LGBTQII+++: The “nuclear family” is another pillar of American and indeed Western society and Judaism and Christianity. Disrupting it and replacing it is another tool to rip society from its foundations. Leading Marxists such as Freire, McLaren, and Giroux advocated this. The LGBT movement is not really about letting those people live their alternative lives in peace. They can do that. It is about promoting their lifestyles above the nuclear family to remove another important pillar of civilization as we know it.
Atheism: Angela Davis is a name familiar to many of us of a certain age. She was another influential professor at the University of California. She told her students “Karl Marx said that religion is the wish-dream of an oppressed society. Real wants, needs and desires are transformed into wish-dreams via the process of religion….There is always the possibility of redirecting those wish-dreams to the here and now”. Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and all the other murderous despots of the last 150 years were atheists because they could not accept a power higher than themselves. The people must look to them for salvation, not God. This is also an important pillar in the replacement of American society.
Crime: Why does the left support the release into society of violent criminals to kill and rape again? Why allow millions of unknown illegal aliens to invade the country when you have no idea what criminal behavior they may have planned? Eldridge Cleaver was another important radical of the 1960s and 1970s at the University of California. In describing to his students the “political expression” necessary to create the desired change in society, he once wrote “robbery, rape, political organizing, escaping, rebellion, murder”. If you want to destabilize society, nothing does it better than intentional crime.
Hamas: This one is pretty obvious. Israel is a Jewish state founded on the religious principles found in Judaism. Their construct is a Republic not too dissimilar from ours. The left doesn’t like Islam much more than Judaism, except that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. These protestors have been taught Marxism at American universities and Hamas is just another people “oppressed” by the Western, constitutional, family-oriented, Judeo-Christian society which is and has been the root of all evil on earth.
This Neo-Marxism is not new. Its supporters have been working it through universities, media, entertainment, and corporate America for decades. But now, they are reaching their stride. It is becoming the mainstream view of the Democratic party. Are most Democrats Marxists? No, they are not. Are most elected Democratic officials Marxists? More of them are but probably still not a majority.
But the policies they are supporting almost with unanimity are indeed Marxist. They were developed by avowed Marxists and are being spread by professors in American universities and in media who openly praise the writings of Marx. I had one such professor even when I was at UCLA in 1974 who talked about the wonders of Lenin and Stalin.
All of this is not my original work. I do not want to be like the presidents and professors of so many of America’s formerly elite universities and plagiarize. I am pleased to credit Christopher Rufo and his book America’s Cultural Revolution. You can follow him on X @realchrisrufo. He also has a Substack to which I subscribe.
The evidence is clear and overwhelming. Almost all these leftist ideas and programs, even down to the names like Black Lives Matter, were invented decades ago and have just now been brought into the mainstream American consciousness. And it is also clear what the objective of all of them is when you read what the people who created them said. I’m sure you have wondered why so many DAs in America would want to release violent, unrepentant criminals onto the streets. It becomes clear when you understand the objective has nothing to do with the culture in which we live but is in fact designed to take that society down.
The useful idiots have been sold on these policies out of “compassion” and “equality” and other nice sounding words. But that’s not what it is about. It is about revolution. This sort of thing is not new. “Good Germans” voted for Hitler and supported his policies because he offered something they thought would be better than the inflation and economic pain of the Weimar Republic. Many in Iran cheered the fall of the dictatorial Shah until they saw what they got as a replacement. Russians understandably recoiled at some of the tactics of the Czar but got something much more brutal. Mao promised a new shining China and delivered more death than any other human being who has ever lived. In retrospect, most of these often well-meaning citizens of these other countries would go back to the government they had before and try to work with it had known what was coming.
We have no such excuse. We know what is coming. Authoritarian Marxism has been in place for over a century in various countries. Not one of them has resulted in anything other than misery and death. Yet still, our current president is one of the useful idiots. He gleefully supports all kinds of leftism which, in his career as a Senator he almost universally opposed. Our Judeo-Christian, nuclear-family based, constitutional republic is not perfect. No activity of humans ever is. But it is the best damn form of government ever devised to date.
It is going to be a fight to keep it. It will be worth the fight.
The song at the top of this blog was written and performed by the band Green Day. I really like their music. But they are useful idiot leftists. The song was written as an attack on conservatives. But, it works the other way around as well. A friend told me years ago, “I would never ask Ronald Reagan to write a song, and I wouldn’t ask Bruce Springsteen to run the country”. Many great artists are useful idiot dreamers and leftists. Fine. Enjoy their art. Don’t let them run things.
I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
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