What a Difference an Election Makes
“I keep all your secrets by the dozen.
You know where my skeletons sleep.
Hypothetically, if you ever kill your husband,
Hand on the Bible, I’d be lying through my teeth.
‘Cause dirt on you is dirt on me.
And we both know our hands ain’t clean.
If it all blows up and we end up on the news,
If you go down, I’m goin’ down too.
Our bodies are buried and they’re in the same ditch.
So, even if I wanted to, I can’t snitch.
30 to life would go quicker with you,
So, if you go down I’m goin’ down too.
If you go down I’m goin’ down too.”
Elections matter. The people we elect affect our lives more than ever, because the government has its fingers in more things than ever. I wish that more intrusive government were not the case, but it is and I can’t wish it away.
“Scranton Joe” Biden has left office. President Trump has just started his second term. Here’s a brief review of Biden’s legacy and the challenges that Mr. Trump faces:
Biden: The United States is 249 years old this year. I will be 70 this year. I have actually been alive for more than one quarter of our nation’s history. And in those 70 years, Joe Biden is hands-down the worst president. He was also clearly worse than any 20th century presidents prior to my birth as well, with Woodrow Wilson being a close second. Interestingly, both Biden and Wilson were essentially incapacitated in their last 2 years in office and their wives likely directed the policies. There may be a challenger or two in the 19th century. But, I think we can say that Biden is at best tied as the worst president in American history.
Let’s look at some of his “accomplishments”:
One war in Europe and another in the Middle East started under his watch because of his weakness. It is not a coincidence that these wars were not in progress during Trump’s first term. Hundreds of thousands of people have died in these wars so far.
Fentanyl poured into the United States through Biden’s open border causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.
Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan caused the death of 13 American servicemen and tens of thousands of Afghans who had been close to or supported Americans when they were there. All women in Afghanistan now are essentially sex slaves to the Taliban because of Biden’s actions.
Criminal illegal aliens let in by Biden’s open border and released from prison by Biden’s soft on crime policies have murdered and raped hundreds if not thousands of Americans.
Biden’s Covid lockdowns led to the suicides of thousands of young people who became depressed with nowhere to go and no one to talk to.
Biden’s support of the sick transgender ideology has resulted in the mutilation of many children and is already creating suicides as people encouraged into this disorder realize the life altering and irreversible mistake they have made.
Biden’s “defund the police” activities have caused an increase in crime in many places with murders and rapes increasing.
The vaccine mandates have caused the deaths of young men whose risk from Covid was minimal. The vaccine also appears to cause colon cancer in very young children, who again were forced to take the vaccine even though their risk from the virus was very, very low.
Biden is the most anti-woman president ever, allowing men to compete in and dominate women’s sports, allowing rapists across the border, not prosecuting rapists if they are from a “protected class” and weakening our police and military who stand to defend women against these sorts of threats. He also continues to encourage women to kill their babies in the womb or even upon delivery as though this has no more consequence than taking Tylenol.
He has also commuted the sentences of or pardoned more criminals than any president in history. How many new crimes will those people commit?
The term “merchant of death” has been used to describe many including the Nobel family that invented gunpowder. I think it may also describe Joe Biden’s presidency. Literally hundreds of thousands of people the world over are dead today because of him.
There is one thing I think was the primary objective of the Biden presidency which he did accomplish. It was to make sure that Hunter Biden had plenty of money and immunity so he could have all the cocaine and hookers that he desired. And now, he has pardoned his entire crime family. Mission accomplished, Joe.
This week’s song is a great country tune by Kelsea Ballerini. But the lyrics could be the anthem of the Biden crime family. Just think of it as Joe singing to any member of his family.
Don’t let the door to the oval office hit you on the ass on the way out, Joe.
Trump: This is The Donald’s final term in office. He wants to be a transformative president. One that is long remembered for altering the course of history. Obviously we cannot yet compare him to his 45 predecessors, (not 46 because one of his predecessors was himself) but we can look at some of them that perhaps he would like to emulate. George Washington, in my opinion, stands alone and no president since will ever compare. Lincoln and FDR were essentially war presidents and their legacy was forged in victory. We all hope that Trump does not become a war president and it is clear that his intent is to avoid World War III. If you take those three presidents out of the mix, Trump may be aiming for a legacy more like Reagan, McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt or Andrew Jackson. All of these were populists or near populists who oversaw a strong economy and an improvement in America’s power in the world. He specifically mentioned McKinley in his inauguration speech. I’m sure Mr. Trump would like to lead that list.
But, there are very powerful forces arrayed whose objective is to see him fail at every turn. Let’s review the three main ones:
Deep State: I know this first hand. The majority of federal employees and their unions (which they shouldn’t have, BTW) will do everything they can to keep their jobs, pay and very light work schedule and to obstruct everything President Trump tries to do. The President, through DOGE, executive orders and legislation, will attempt to fire them, make them come to the office five days a week, and execute his orders. Much of this may wind up in court. Without at least some dismantling of the Deep State, accomplishments will be limited.
Media: The propaganda machine previously known as “mainstream media” is down but not out. The subscriptions to the Washington Post are down 90% in the last few years, for example. But, the WaPo is still slinging falsehoods disguised as news. Have you noticed how hypocritical many Democrat electeds can be on so many issues with no accountability? The reason is that they will not go on Fox or other right-leaning media, and there is an agreement with the propaganda machine media not to ask them embarrassing questions. So, they can suggest that Hegseth’s sexual past is a disqualifier without ever being asked why the same habits did not disqualify any Democrats they have previously supported.
Universities: These centers of indoctrination have not backed off one little bit in the wake of Trump’s election. Much of what we see in media and technology companies is not the result of the desires of the leaders of these organizations. Much is being driven from the bottom up by younger people who have been taught that Marxism is the way forward. This is not hyperbole. Many “elite” professors are quite clear that they admire Karl Marx and believe that Washington, Jefferson and Madison were racist and terrible people. Did you see that Biden just declared a 28th amendment to the constitution? I’m sure most universities will now teach that it exists. This must change.
Winning elections is step one. We must also change government, media and education if our victory is to be lasting.
In addition, there are two more significant challenges. The new “axis of evil” countries out there do not want Trump to succeed. But, they fear him. They did not fear Biden or Obama. And the Biden economic team has left Trump a complete fiscal and monetary mess. I’m not sure it can be cleaned up without a downturn in the markets, the economy or both.
US Senate: One more note. Even though with cloture it takes 60 votes to pass most things in the Senate and there are only 53 Republican Senators, having the majority makes a big difference on many other things. Confirmations of presidential appointments is one. Passing reconciliation items that only require 51 votes is another. Having control over the agenda in committees is a third. But as important, many bills last year passed the House that were not taken up in the Senate because Majority Leader Schumer would not allow them on the floor. Those bills will now go to the floor. They will not all pass. But they will put Democratic Senators on the record on a number of issues that will resonate in their states. For example, we will soon see the protection of women’s sports bill that bans men from competing in women’s sports. This is a very popular issue. The Dems are wedded to the “transgender rights” agenda but the public is not. Only two Democrats in the House voted for this bill. Will Democratic Senators continue to support this extreme anti-woman agenda? Soon, we will get to see. And some of those Senators will be up for reelection in 2026.
Follow me on X @lookthruchaos
Listen to me on the Nationally Syndicated Hugh Hewitt Show Wednesdays at 1:20 PM Pacific (3:20 Central) www.hughhewitt.com.
I remain respectively,
Congressman John Campbell
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