Dear President Trump

Donald J. Trump
Palm Beach, Florida

Dear President Trump,

You and I have never met. I left Congress nearly a year before you came on the scene as a major presidential contender in late 2015. 

That said, I voted for you both in 2016 and in 2020 including in the primaries. I made a number of donations to your campaigns over those years. I have both a 2016 MAGA hat as well as a 2020 one. 

I believe that you were one of the most consequential presidents of my lifetime. Your accomplishments in keeping American free and safe, defending the border, growing the economy and appointing outstanding justices to the Supreme Court can stand up to those of any other president. You showed conservatives how to have backbone by fighting against the authoritarian left in the media, education, entertainment and elsewhere. 

One of your lasting achievements, in my humble opinion, is how you reshaped the Republican Party. You transformed it from the “country club and big business” party into the true home of working families. You saw a yearning out there that very few of us saw. The everyday working person, if they were not in a favored group, was being ignored by elites and crushed by policies designed to benefit a chosen few. You led these people to stand up, speak up and you were their voice.

Given all of that, this next sentence may surprise you.

Please do not run for president again in 2024.

Elections, like wars, are won when you divide the opposition and unite your side. The Democrats right now are very divided and have lost their way. The one thing that unifies Democrats, unfortunately, is dislike of you. That may be unfair, but one must deal with the conditions that exist and not the ones you would like to have. The “fake news” propaganda media wants to keep talking about you because they hope people will forget how badly the country is being managed now and just rally around not being Donald Trump.

But there is also lots of good news. In your four years, you created many acolytes to carry forward your policies. These people are young and fresh and can carry forward what worked in your administration and jettison those things that did not work. 

The Democratic Party has moved so far left that they have abandoned almost all independents and a large percentage of Democrats. There is a generational opportunity for Republicans in the next 3 years to establish majorities and a mandate to reverse the regressive policies of the current regime and put America back on a track of freedom, peace and prosperity. 

This is all because of the work you did. To take best advantage of these opportunities is to let the new people rise and carry the batons from here.

When I write for my blog, , I often use song lyrics to make a point. To that end, I offer these lines from the chorus of one of my all-time favorite songs, Small Town Southern Man by Alan Jackson.

“He was always proud of what he had. He said his greatest contribution is the ones you leave behind.”

The ones who will follow you will also be your greatest contribution.

Please let them lead us into a bright future.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman john Campbell (Ret.)
CA- 45
Drive fast and live free


Additional reading from a subscriber reflecting their views on Trump, albeit not different from mine: “Was Trump One of Our Greatest Presidents?”




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