
Dear John,
When you emailed that you would like to get back into politics, I was hopeful that you were returning to be a reasonable conservative, and would bring some common sense into the Republican party. The main problem with our government today is the total lack of cooperation between the two parties, so there is no progress in improving our country. You have returned to blame liberals for all our problems, and not even try to figure out some compromise solutions. I am very disappointed in your approach to reasonable conservatism.

Thanks for your feedback. I’m not sure I will be able to dissuade you from your disappointment but I am going to try.

Amongst the many reasons I chose to leave Congress was that making “deals” across the aisle was becoming increasingly difficult. I did not see it getting better soon, but had no idea it would evolve to where it is. For a number of reasons I will articulate at some point, the moderates in both parties are gone.

You use the term “liberal” and say that I blame them for problems. I absolutely do not. I make a major distinction between a classical liberal and an authoritarian leftist. A true liberal will not stifle opposing views and restrict speech and ban people from participating in society if they hold a different view. It wasn’t that long ago that the liberal ACLU defended in court the right of actual Swastika wearing Nazis to speak. Now, the liberals have been drummed out of that organization and the leftist dominated ACLU now goes to court to stop regular citizens from disagreeing on Climate Change or gender fluidity or any number of other issues.

I could work with liberals. We wanted the same things but disagreed on how to get there. The liberals seem to be a minority now and the Democratic party is controlled by authoritarian leftists. In my opinion, there is no middle ground with them and their ideas must be defeated in the court of public opinion. That is why I will continue to write about the control of language, thought, education, media, entertainment, and culture (just to name a few) by the left and how destructive the elimination of free expression (cancel culture) in all these areas is becoming.

It is difficult to compromise with someone who denies the opposition the very right to express a differing opinion. Politics will have to revert to a norm where a middle again exists and where compromise is not only possible but likely. I have long expressed that a vocal minority is necessary in government to make the majority justify their actions through argument. I am afraid the country may have to pass through a tumultuous period, as it has done before, to reconcile these huge divisions. Hence, “through the chaos”.

Thanks again for your thoughts. I hope this at least gives you some new perspective on things, even if you do not agree.

John Campbell


Words of Others: Go Bold


Dear President Trump