Good Germans – Part Two

I promised you dad not to do the things you’ve done. 
I walk away from trouble when I can.
Now please don’t think I’m weak I didn’t turn the other cheek.
And Papa I sure hope you’ll understand.
Sometimes you gotta fight when you’re a man. 

Coward of the County – Kenny Rogers


These are not ordinary times. And our responses should not be ordinary responses. The trampling on our rights, freedoms, beliefs and culture from the authoritarian left is astonishing in its scope and depth. Let’s look at just a few examples to indicate why the threats we face from inside our borders are a grave as they have ever been.

Propaganda Media: It used to be called the mainstream or legacy media. But that does not describe what it has become today. Biased media has existed since the beginning of the Republic. It was slanted, but there were newspapers slanted both ways. Today the media is overwhelmingly promoting only the hard left. Cambridge University’s online dictionary defines propaganda as (a) Information, ideas opinions or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people’s opinions. (b) Information or ideas that are spread by and organized group or government to influence people’s opinions esp. by not giving all the facts or by secretly emphasizing only one way of looking at the facts. 

Is there any doubt that that is what the “legacy media” is doing? The degree to which they only cover stories that support the leftist narrative, or omit critical but inconvenient details, alter quotes, photos and stories or outright lie in their quest to have you submit to leftist control is astounding and increases every day. We are bombarded with propaganda from the left in America today.

Education: The left controls education. Look at the suppression of speech on college campuses, the indoctrination of those students in classes or the well documented K-12 adoption of Critical Race Theory, Gender Fluidity and other Leftist dribble. The left is using their control over the education establishment to separate children from their parents and make them children of the state instead. The surprising honesty of Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McCauliffe when he said parents should not being allowed to have any say in what their children are taught is proof of that. Do they want to create an AOC (or insert your other favorite leftist name here) youth movement? Yes they do. 

Voting: A person needs to present a vaccine card and and photo ID (to show that you are the person named on the vaccine card) to eat at a restaurant in NYC. But, to ask a person to show a photo ID to vote to prove there are not stealing someone else’s voting right is somehow a Jim Crow or Jefferson Davis like racist act? The “voting rights” movement from the left is just a smoke screen, completely supported by the propaganda media machine, to make vote fraud easy and, in some cases, legal. The left believes that manufacturing fake votes is just “giving a voice” to those who haven’t voted because they all would obviously have voted left.  Garbage. The only way to know how someone would vote is to let them do it. This is simply the left wanted to rig the system so they never lose, even if the people want them to go. 

Courts: If you watched the 3 leftists on the Supreme Court vote to allow the Federal government to enforce vaccine mandates on private business, you saw what the clearly articulated version of how leftist judges rule on things is. The wording of the law or the constitution can be considered, but they are not dispositive. The judges must hold for “what is right”. The problem with this is that they are no longer judges when they do that. They are another legislative body. An unelected legislative body that serves for life. This again is part of the left’s plan to rid us of the restrictions imposed by the constitution and laws. And it would be the end of the rule of law and back to the rule of elite self-appointed leaders. 

I haven’t even mentioned corporate America’s slide into wokeness, or the entertainment industry’s involvement in leftist indoctrination and propaganda. George Orwell wrote “who controls the past controls the future”. Do you see what they are doing to rewrite history to serve their desire to control us? You commit a crime in California for repeatedly speaking a pronoun that a transgendered person finds offensive. But if you beat and rob someone, you may not spend a night in jail.

One other thing about leftists. You can’t compromise with them, and they will never be happy with a victory until they get absolute control over everything they want. They got gay marriage, and immediately moved to the transgender agenda. After that comes the regularization of pedophilia. You think I’m kidding? Articles are already running in propaganda outlets like USA Today saying that there is nothing wrong with adults having sexual lust for children of any age. That is next on the social agenda. These people are twisted and sick. 

Put this altogether and it is truly authoritarian and dictatorial. It will be a country with one party in power controlling your children, your thoughts, your speech, your actions and of course your property. You will think, act and vote left, or you will not be permitted to engage in society. 

We need to jolt people into action. We need to resist the left. We need to reject their propaganda. We need to fight against their various surrogates in Hollywood and Wall Street and in Washington and state capitols. If invoking the shared fear of what the Nazis did is what it takes to motivate people to fight, than we should do it. And we can all do it, with the things we buy and the things we say and the way we act every day. Do not comply!

And when I say “we”, I don’t mean just conservatives like me. Moderates and liberals should fear this as much as conservatives do. I can’t imagine that more than 25% of the population is truly authoritarian leftist. But the effectiveness of all the propaganda is making some of those liberals think they are doing the right thing, just as many who voted for the Nazi party in 1931 thought they were doing. Many didn’t find out until after WWII just how far these sick people would go once they had the power to do so. 

Ronald Reagan said “if we lose freedom here, there is no other place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth”. He was right as he usually was. 

We must fight this leftism every way we can. Vote, certainly. But much more than that. Reject the propaganda and the companies dishing it to you. Seek out outlets for truth and alternate opinions. Don’t give money or support to any education institution that is indoctrinating the young. Speak out. Fight. Your very life, or that of your children may depend on it. 

Don’t be a Good German, or a good leftist American.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive fast & live free




Good Germans – Part One