
My lips are moving, and the sound is coming out.
The sound is audible, but I have my doubts,
That you realize, what has been said.

Words – Missing Persons


Dennis Prager often says “the left ruins everything it touches”. 

Truer words were never spoken. Amongst the many things that the left has ruined or is trying to ruin are some words. Words that we used to use often in common speech. But now, to use them will give a completely different meaning than what you intended.

Here are a few examples: (my dictionary definitions for this purpose will come from a 1995 paper edition Merriam-Webster dictionary. Most American dictionaries have now gone woke and even definitions have been politicized to be blue and woke) 

Progressive: Dictionary says “(1)- characterized by progress (2) Moving forward or onward, advancing. We all know how the left has coopted this word as the nomenclature for the leftist authoritarian Democrats or Democratic Socialists. I refuse to use it in that context. The left in this country is neither moving forward nor do they represent progress. Socialism is not new. Authoritarian government is not new. These have been tried and have failed. Where they still exist (Venezuela, Cuba, etc.) they exist only because of force and the people are basically imprisoned and impoverished. They really should call themselves the Regressions. The definition of regression is “reversion to an earlier mental or behavior level”. That is a proper description. I think I will call them the Regressionists in future.

Science: “I represent science”, exclaimed the moron (just using his term for Kansas Senator, and medical doctor, Roger Marshall) Fauci in a recent interview. Definition says “an area of knowledge that is an object of study”. Interestingly, it does not have Fauci’s photo there. 

All kidding aside, the left has ruined this word. The “scientific method” meant you would take a hypothesis and try to prove it right or wrong. Sometimes, it was wrong. Sometimes, another “scientist” would disagree with your findings because they used a different method or found a different result. The earth being flat was the “science” of the time as was bleeding patients to relieve them of disease. Both were the consensus thinking of the time and both were later proven wrong. 

Some science is universally accepted, like the Pythagorean theorem. But some is in dispute. The left loves to use “science” to say that certain of their precepts are now indisputable. Rubbish. Human caused climate change, and even in which direction the temperature may move, is in great dispute amongst scientists. So is much about the best path to deal with the Wuhan Virus. Google and YouTube and Twitter and Facebook won’t let you see those many different opinions by respected scholars, but they exist. 

They have ruined this word. Science now means leftist ideology codified into natural law. I never use it anymore. 

Diversity: Dictionary says “Variety, unlike, composed of different forms or qualities”. I like diversity in many things – in my investment portfolio, my hobby collections, my food choices, the books I read etc. But the left has co-opted this word as well to mean only “involves non-white people”. 

It’s as though nothing else can be diverse anymore, unless it has a majority of people who are not white. It’s hard to find a word to replace this one, now that we can’t use it anymore. How do I describe my food choices as being diverse if mashed potatoes and cauliflower are involved? An assortment? 

Invest: Dictionary definition – to commit money in order to earn a financial return. 

Duh. The Dems and the left never spend money. Spend is apparently a bad word. They only “invest” in education and a better society and in unions and  science and saving the planet. 

Funny, when I invest, I expect to get my money back plus some return. It doesn’t always work out that way obviously but that is the plan. When the left “invests”, the money is gone forever and the “return” they expect is non-monetary, often buying votes or rewarding political donors. The term should never be used in a context in which your principle is not expected to be returned. 

I’m sure you can think of more words. It’s just another example of the way the left is on a path changing and controlling every aspect of our lives. 

Even words.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive fast & live free


What is Schumer Thinking?


Good Germans – Part Two