How Democrats Change the Rules After They Win… and Montana

Now some say he was crazy, some are glad he’s gone.
Some of us will miss him, but we’ll try to carry on.
Giving a voice to the forest,
Giving a voice to the dawn,
Giving a voice to the wilderness,
And the land that he lived on.

Oh oh oh Montana, give this child a home.
Give him the love of a good family and a woman of his own.
Give him a fire in his heart,
Give him a light in his eyes,
Give him the wild wind for a brother,
And the wild, Montana skies!
— Wild Montana Skies - John Denver with Emmylou Harris. (1983)

In 2006, Arnold Schwarzenegger was reelected governor of California by 17 points. A decisive victory. I actually played his Democratic opponent, Phil Angelides in debate prep with the governor for two days that year. 17 points is a substantial margin of victory. No Republican has won statewide office in California since.

How did this happen?

Answer: After Democrats win, they change the rules so they can never lose again.

Let me first explain what they did in California, then suggest what they would do at the Federal level if they were to get full control again (without the likes of Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin), and why Montana is so important.

The California Experience: Job one was to change voting rules. Dozens of bills have been passed since Democrats took full control of everything in California in 2010. Many states require ID to vote. California prohibits showing any form of ID. California is now a 100% mail-in ballot state, following Oregon which started this trend. Roughly 22 million ballots get mailed out in every election, many to dead people, people who have moved out of state, wrong addresses, and so forth. Ballot harvesting is legal in California so I can pick up one of those mailed ballots and fill it out and mail it in. The Democrats started doing this in 2010 and Republicans now have ballot harvesting operations as well or else they could not compete. In campaigns now you have to appeal to actual legitimate voters as well as gather unused ballots and fill them out and send them in. California ballots are mailed about 30 days before election day and they are still counting 30 days after election day. It is remarkable how many close elections the Democrat party elites have been losing a week after the election day but they squeak out a victory after three more weeks of “counting.” Felons can now vote in California from prison and illegal aliens can vote in some jurisdictions.

I could go on but you get the point. What we all think of as voter fraud is legal in California. The Democrat party machine generates “votes” necessary to win.

Then there are the courts. Over the last 15 years, the vast majority of judges have now been appointed by leftist governors. These judges, by their own admission in decisions, do not follow the letter of the constitution or the laws. They rule based on their own feelings for “justice” and “equity” even if that means contravening the constitution. Said constitution was written to enshrine white privilege, of course, so no reason to follow it. The result is that whatever new laws the legislature and governor may enact are almost always found to be “constitutional.”

California was a pioneer in the initiative process back in the early 20th century. But too many voter initiatives were passing that the ruling Democrat elites did not like. So, they changed the rules to prohibit initiatives on a primary ballot (when less vote harvesting takes place and more Republicans vote), unless of course that initiative is placed there by the legislature. They have also made it harder to put initiatives on the ballot and easier to raise taxes. And if you manage to make it through all of that, as one initiative to make it harder to raise taxes did this year, the court can throw that initiative off the ballot as “unconstitutional.” Which they did, because it might have passed.

Finally, there is the regime media, which is hugely leftist, as it is in most places. But, in California that media is dying. The LA Times, SF Chronicle and even some TV stations are losing money in buckets because what they report is pure propaganda and not news. Fearing that these Neo-Marxist support organizations might disappear, the California legislature is running to the rescue with a plan to fund them with taxpayer funds. This would make them into pure state run media rather than the merely ideological connection they have now. State run media. Just like Pravda in the Soviet Union. Another way to make sure that Californians don’t even hear another side of an issue lest they be inclined to vote against their rulers.

The Federal Plan: If the Democrats were to gain full control of the House, the Senate (without Sinema or Manchin or anyone like them) and the White House, they have a well telegraphed plan to keep that control. First, they will eliminate the filibuster in the Senate so that they can pass the rest of their agenda with only 51 votes instead of 60. Then they will “pack” the Supreme Court and add term limits in order to create a new Neo-Marxist majority there to approve and support all laws made by the new Dem majority. Then they will add the District of Columbia, and possibly another small territory of the United States as states in order to add two or four reliably Democratic Senators so that their Senate majority can be cemented in place.

When Nancy Pelosi was Speaker, she said that Congress should mimic all the California voting laws as federal requirements and force all 50 states to comply. In theory this should only be for federal elections and there are constitutional issues. But with a compliant Supreme Court anything can be deemed constitutional. Then of course, eliminate the electoral college and go to a national popular vote for president so that Wyoming and Kansas do not matter, but those 22 million ballots floating around in California can elect the president almost by themselves.

And obviously, Democrats would likely ban X (formerly Twitter) and any other outlets that spread “misinformation’, which is basically any speech that opposes leftist policies. VP Candidate Tim Walz has been very clear and open about this.

After all of this, the Democrats hope to achieve their definition of “democracy,” which is permanent one-party rule and eliminates the rule of law (constitution) and replaces it with rule of overseer elites because they know what is good for us.

The Good News: After reading this you may be tempted to spike your morning coffee with arsenic. Don’t. All is far from lost.

Neo-Marxism, socialism and leftism have been tried all around the world for over 100 years. These policies do not work. Even amongst many voting Democrats, the American spirit of freedom and self-determination still exists. Things in the leftist paradise of San Francisco got so bad, that the voters threw out their Soros-funded District Attorney who released so many violent criminals back on the streets. Polls indicate that voters in Los Angeles may do the same thing this November. There are some indications that more and more entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, rather than up and move to Texas or Florida, are deciding to stay put in California and fight against this autocratic state.

It’s unfortunate that it has to get so bad before people start to wake up and fix it. My friend and national talk show host Hugh Hewitt once wrote a book entitled “If It’s Not Close They Can’t Cheat.” His point was simple. When they change the rules of the game to legalize cheating, it is hard to win. But you can win if the margin is big enough. Most votes cast in California are still legitimate. The fraud stuff operates on the margins. If you win by 10 points, they probably cannot cheat that many votes.

Now to Montana. At the federal level, the Democrats cannot enact their “permanent majority agenda” unless they control everything. They have a 50-50 shot right now at the White House and the House of Representatives.

The Senate, however, is another matter. I have never given a penny to any Democrat running for anything. But somehow, I am now on some Democrat fundraising lists. I have not removed myself because I like to see what they are telling their base. They are admitting that they will lose Joe Manchin’s Senate seat in West Virginia and that leaves a 50-50 Senate. They then go on to ask for money for the way they can get a majority, which is to defeat Ted Cruz in Texas. That is not going to happen. The Democrats have dreamed for years of “flipping Texas” and they never come close. They won’t this year either. But they are correct that that is their best chance to gain a seat this cycle.

On the other hand, there are at least five seats where Republicans have a good chance at picking up one or more seats to gain a majority in the Senate. But the best chance is in Montana. Every recent poll shows former Navy Seal Tim Sheehy beating incumbent Senator Tester. Winning the Senate seat in Montana, secures that Democrats will not have complete control of Washington next year, regardless of how everything else turns out. There is literally no race, out side of the presidency, more important.

This week’s song is a testament to the spirit that exists in Montana. That state is about as far from leftist authoritarianism as you can get. This is one of my favorite John Denver (nee’ John Deutschendorf, Jr.) songs. The captivating Mrs. Campbell and I can be heard singing the marvelous harmonies of John Denver and Emmylou Harris in the chorus of the song.

Here’s to these “Wild Montana Skies” May they stay wild… and free.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell

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