My Heroes

Well it’s Monday morning, he’s kissin’ mama goodbye.
He’s up and gone with the sun.
Daddy drives an eighteen wheeler, and he’s off on a Midwest run.
As three sad faces gather round mama, they ask her when daddy’s comin’ home.
Daddy drives an eighteen wheeler, and they sure miss him when he’s gone. 
Ah but he calls every night and he tells them, that he loves them,
And he taught them this song, sing it

Roll on highway, roll on along
Roll on daddy ‘til you get back home.
Roll on family, roll on crew
Roll on mama like I asked you to do
And roll on eighteen wheeler roll on
Roll on!

Roll on – Alabama


If Google shut down tomorrow, you might not be able to instantly find out how old that actress is, but your life would not be noticeably different. If Amazon went away, you might pay a little more and have to go to the store to get things, but you’d be OK. If all the lawyers stopped working, well, some might think the world would be a better place. 

But if all the truckers stopped working, you wouldn’t eat or have gas for your car. Nearly everything we all consume is brought to us on a truck. And they bring us those things all hours of the day and night and 365 days a year. Without them, society literally comes to a halt. You don’t have food, which is a bit more important than Google. God bless the truckers.

Those Canadian truckers are my heroes. Think about what they were fighting. They do their work sitting alone in a truck. Most of them sleep in that truck. They go out to eat, but that’s about it. And somehow, they had to get vaccinated, or they were a virus risk? The dictate they fought is indescribably stupid. 

But worse than the stupid vax requirement, has been the Canadian Prime Minister’s response. I often talk about the autocratic and authoritarian actions of the Biden Regime and other Democrats in the US. But what PM Trudeau is now doing is despotic, tyrannical, dictatorial and totalitarian. People cannot live today without bank accounts and credit facilities. To cut off a single mother’s access to her life because she donated $50 to the Freedom Convoy is the sort of thing communists do to those who oppose the regime. Trudeau has been very transparent. He intends to spend “months” going after everyone who participated or supported the convoy and to basically ruin their lives if not imprison them. He said this. For what? No one was hurt and no property was damaged. But Trudeau labeled them “terrorists”. 

The crime is opposing an edict of the state. 

We in the US should be treating all those who are being or will be “silenced” in this way by the Trudeau Regime as victims of a despotic regime and offer them asylum in the U.S. where they can restore their bank accounts and live their lives. But, of course, the Biden Regime is sympathetic to these actions and will do nothing. 

If this kind of thing can happen in Canada, it can happen in the US, UK or any other country we think of as being a “free” society. 

These heroes have thrown down the gauntlet in Canada. We all must stand with and beside them to preserve freedom in our own lands. 

I end with another great song about truckers from another era.

“Cause we got a great big convoy rockin’ through the night.
Yeah we got a great big convoy, ain’t she a beautiful sight.
Come on and join our convoy ain’t nothin’ gonna get in our way.
We’re going to roll this truckin’ convoy across the USA.

Convoy – CW McCall

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive fast & live free


Ukraine – The Chaos Begins


The Whole Truth