The Whole Truth

You can’t hide your lyin’ eyes.
And your smile is a thin disguise.
I thought by now, you’d realize.
There ain’t no way to hide your lying eyes.

Lyin’ Eyes – The Eagles


In April 1865, a very popular and well-regarded actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth went to a theater he frequented in Washington DC. Twelve days later, he was hunted down and killed by federal cavalry troopers who lit the barn he was in on fire and then shot him. 

The paragraph above is true. 

But it is not the whole truth. By leaving out a single salient fact, the reader of this statement might come away with a completely different view of Mr. Booth and his death than they would if they knew that additional detail about, oh yeah, assassinating the president. 

This is one of the ways that big media and other propagandists manipulate public opinion. But it is also the way that politicians can spin a narrative in their favor.

President Biden is in a deep hole in terms of popularity. We are less than 8 months away from the “early voting” that many states now have. He needs to make some progress with the public in that time or he will face a hostile Congress that will investigate him and block his agenda. Just ask his predecessor Mr. Trump about how his last 2 years went for him in this same circumstance. 

One option for the president is to follow the path of Bill Clinton and change to more popular policies in mid-stream and work with the opposition party on some of the things they want to do. I do not see Biden doing that. He, and more importantly the power in his party, are too committed to the socialist authoritarian agenda to admit failure and back off. So, what do they do instead to improve popularity without any policy changes? 

Change the narrative. Tell non-truths or partial truths in order to convince people that the failed policies are actually working. Get the Cabal of big media, tech and government to parrot that narrative and hope that you change opinions by concealing the whole truth. Here are a few examples of how they might spin the narrative in the coming months:


The Biden Narrative – I have raised the pay of Americans by more than any other president in this century.

The Whole Truth – Yes, but the inflated cost of everything we buy means that higher income buys less than it did before. And by the way Joe, YOU didn’t raise my pay no matter what you say.


The Biden Narrative – I ended America’s longest war. 

The Whole Truth – And you did it by leaving Americans and allies stranded there, getting more soldiers killed than had been killed in several years and ruining America’s standing with the world community and leaving hundreds of thousands if not millions of women and others to be enslaved and killed. This weakness is part of what has brought on the attack by Russia and aggressive moves by every other evil regime worldwide. Is it any coincidence that Russia invaded Crimea under Obama, did nothing under Trump, and now invades Ukraine under Biden?  Good job Joe. 


The Biden Narrative – There have been more arrests at the border last year than almost any other time.

The Whole Truth – And more illegals entering the country than ever before, many on private jets coordinated by your regime and sent all around the country. Don’t forget all the fentanyl and other drugs killing people in the US due to your border policies. If you are going to put these dangerous illegals somewhere, please put them in Knob Hill in San Francisco or on the upper east side in New York City. Maybe then your supporters will feel what the rest of us feel.


The Biden Narrative – I never wanted to defund the police and these crime problems are local issues.

The Whole Truth – You have supported every single policy in every jurisdiction that has led to this huge increase in crime around the country. Come on man!


The Biden Narrative – No one is teaching CRT or gender fluidity and schools are almost all open and our kids are learning from our great union teachers.

The Whole Truth – OK, that’s all just a straight up lie. 

The China Virus:

The Biden Narrative – I steered the country through this pandemic saving many lives and ending the pandemic, albeit not as early as I would have liked.

The Whole Truth – Many more died because you pushed vaccines while restricting the use of therapeutics which are statistically more effective. You also created untold damage in society with lockdowns and mandates that have led to suicides and drug use and failed businesses. If the pandemic ends or is in remission by election day, it will have absolutely nothing to do with you.

January 6th and Racial Justice:

The Biden Narrative – These are the truly important issues in American today and I am fighting to save our democracy and stop white supremacy. 

The Whole Truth – Really Joe? A recent CNN poll of Democrats listed these things at the bottom of their priorities. Accusing blacks and Asians of white supremacy when convenient is not helping. Making up problems that don’t exist to cover up real problems is not working for you. Try again Joe. 

I’m sure you can think up others and we will see more. You get the point. It would be laughable except that the cabal will be all in on these narratives and some people will fall for them.

But you won’t. 

By the way, John Wilkes Booth was not a good guy, in spite of the narrative to convince you otherwise. 

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
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San Francisco