Predictions –– ESG is the new Communism

“There’s a room where the light won’t find you.
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down.
When they do, I’ll be right behind you.

So glad we almost made it.
So sad we had to fade it.
Everybody wants to rule the world.”

Everybody Wants to Rule the World – Tears for Fears


ESG and the Climate Change Worshipers will win. The world will lose. ESG is the new Communism.

When any of us are making predictions, it is important to try to mitigate the biases that we all have in order to make a more rational judgment about what may come to pass. A committed Democrat will always have a bias towards predicting their side will prevail as will a committed Republican. That is where hope and bias leaks in to influence thought.

The prediction I am about to make here is absolutely not what I want to happen, and I sincerely hope that I am completely wrong. However, it has been said that a good military commander realizes he must fight a battle with the army he has rather than the one he would like to have. So, here goes.

Unfortunately, I believe that in the short term, the climate change worshipers are going to win and much of what they want will come to pass. The impetus behind this mythology of human climate change is just too great. The governments of almost all countries are either fully supportive or at least nominally so. The media is all in on the narrative. The education establishment from K through PhD will accept no deviation from the “settled science” of climate change and the remedies necessary to slow our ultimate demise therefrom. Corporations in North America, Europe and Japan are lapdogs to the overwhelming push from the “climate elites” in our society and around the world.  

If ever there was going to be some push back on this, you would think it would be now. The overdependence on ridiculous, inefficient, intermittent and environmentally damaging wind power caused huge problems in Europe and in Texas last winter. The CFO of Ford Motor Company recently said that their cost of the batteries in a Mustang Mach E have increased by $25,000 since the car came out 18 months ago. For a car you are supposed to be able to buy for $40,000, that is a problem. The materials for batteries and solar cells require lots and lots of new environmentally damaging mines and forest clearcutting. The potential loss of Russian oil and gas has shown how few viable alternatives exist to carbon-based energy and how close we are currently to not having enough. The last oil refinery built in the United States was completed in 1977. Two refineries in Houston and Philadelphia are being shut down. In response to this, the moron-in-chief Joe Biden, called for more refineries to be built, which he has clearly pointed out will be shut down as soon as the immediate crisis abates. That makes a new refinery a worse investment than the crypto lending platform Celsius. That’s bad.

But in the face of all the obvious failures of “green energy” and the evidence of “greenflation” affecting economies and the potential for people to literally freeze and starve this winter while our morally superior Climate Masters dictate from their G650 flights around the world, the green agenda is showing no signs of abating.

The momentum is just too strong. The CEO of Chevron said last week that he does not expect a new refinery to be built in the United States, ever again. That is not because he believes we don’t need one. That is because he sees the writing on the wall and one will not be allowed. There is a move in the Federal Reserve and in Congress to essentially make it illegal for financial institutions to loan money to any project designed to produce, transport, refine or otherwise work with carbon-based energy sources. That will dry up much of the capital needed to produce said energy.

In the meantime, without some currently unforeseen technological breakthroughs, “green energy” doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell (pun intended) of replacing the “old” energy.

Regular readers of these missives know that I am a Star Trek fan. It will probably not surprise you to know that I am also a devotee of The Twilight Zone. I also subscribe to a substack service called Doomberg, which has some very well researched and pithy articles on many economic and scientific subjects. In a recent piece, they likened a Twilight Zone episode with which I am very familiar to the current Climate mandates.

The episode highlighted in Doomberg is from the 3rd season and is called “It’s a Good Life.”  A small town is terrorized by a young boy named Anthony who requires that everyone accede to his every wish and whim, no matter how ridiculous. If they don’t, they are executed in any number of frightening ways. The residents of the town eventually learn that to avoid that fate, they say to him “you done a good thing Anthony. You done a real good thing” no matter how awful what he just did may be. Our elitist Climate masters are like Anthony. We must praise them, no matter how nonsensical their edicts may be, or we will be ostracized from society and perhaps life.

In Rod Serling’s closing monologue, he says in part “We only wanted to introduce you to one of our very special citizens, Anthony Fremont, age 6, who lives in a village called Peaksville in a place that used to be Ohio. And if by some strange chance, you should come across him, you had best only think good thoughts. Anything less than that is handled at your own risk.”

So, I predict that Anthony (and his real-life doubles John Kerry and Greta Thunberg), will get what they want by sheer force and momentum.

But it won’t work. Exactly when it is apparent how much damage the green agenda will be causing is unclear. Facing a world of reduced living standards and a reversion in the human condition, people will rise up against those elites. You see, the climate change worshipers are not much different than communists.

Communism was established from the principles espoused by Karl Marx and has an appeal due to its vision of equity, but it ignores human nature. Climatism has been established with a similar set of principles that sound noble but ignore competing scientific data as well as technological realities. In both cases, the lives of the masses are tightly controlled, and the living standards of those masses are dramatically reduced. Meanwhile, the elites who control said masses have all the benefits that existed only to the most privileged before (think Soviet Dachas) as a reward for their moral superiority.

Both Communist leaders and global climate elitists envision a world where you are worse off because they know what’s best for you but they are immune from the impact of their own decisions due to their virtue. Communism has failed everywhere it has been implemented. But people endured decades of pain before rooting it out.

I hope we can root out this new communism sooner than that.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive Fast and Live Free


Predictions: In the Year 2024


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