The Danger of Woke

My friend the witch doctor he taught me what to say.
My friend the witch doctor he taught me what to do.
I know you’ll be mine when I say this to you.

Oooh eeeh oooh ah ah
Ting tang walla walla bing bang
Oooh eeeh oooh ah ah
Ting tang walla walla bing bang

The Witch Doctor  -  David Seville (later covered by the Chipmunks)


You may not get too upset about what we have begun to call wokeness. You may think that economics and foreign policy and crime prevention are more important. After all, those are the things our elected officials have power over. I understand the point.

But the spread of wokeness is as great a threat to your freedom and security as any of those other things. Wokeness is an attempt to transform our culture. Culture is upstream from politics. If you lose the culture, you will eventually lose the politics. The left may be perverse and evil, but they are not dumb. They understand the value of changing the culture.

In this missive, I present to you just one example of how wokeness is creeping deep into our society and how it is a direct threat to your health and safety.

The following is an excerpt from a “pledge” that is now required of students starting with the class of 2026 at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Medical School.

“We commit to uprooting the legacy and perpetuation of structural violence deeply embedded in the healthcare system…We recognize inequities built by past and present traumas rooted in white supremacy, colonialism, the gender binary, ableism, and all forms of oppression,” it says. “As we enter this profession with opportunities for growth, we commit to promoting a culture of anti-racism, listening, and amplifying voices for positive change. We pledge to honor all Indigenous ways of healing that have been historically marginalized by Western medicine. Knowing that health is intimately connected to our environment, we commit to healing our planet and communities.”

I am not making this up. This pledge was part of the “white coat ceremony” held August 19, 2022 for the entering class of 2026. Just in case you still don’t believe me, here is a video of the pledge at the event. Note the person taking photographs of each row. A normal photographer takes different shots from different angles to memorialize the event. Was this instead to make sure that each student was standing and pledging as required?

This is more than just annoying, sick and sad. It is very dangerous and shows how deeply wokeness is imbedding itself in American culture. Here are some reasons you should be concerned:

  • Did you see any report of this on CBS or the LA Times? Of course not. It’s like not pumping oil in the U.S.  The propaganda tech and media machine approve of this, but they know the public will not. So, they support it by burying such stories. And when the media is asked about wokeness in education, they say that there is no such thing.

  • “Anti-racism” is a political positioning. Requiring students to support that position is not different than requiring them to support the second amendment. If that happened at some medical school do you think ABC news would ignore that?

  • I am having surgery next month. I do not want my surgeon to use “indigenous ways of healing.” If future medical providers are chosen on the basis of their adherence to woke principles and reject the amazing advances of modern western medicine, we will be a much sicker society and will all die much sooner. I want lower taxes. But quality medical care is more important.

  • Wokeness has been flowing into liberal arts classes in universities for decades. But the applied sciences had been spared. Not any more. In addition to medicine, there is evidence like this of woke changes to the teaching of Physics, Math and Chemistry. Distorting all these sciences to have them fit the narratives on the left will send society backwards hundreds of years. But, perhaps that is the goal.

It was not that long ago that doctors would swear the Hippocratic oath which would basically be to treat one’s patients to the best of one’s ability, maintain patient privacy, do no harm, etc. These things did not used to be controversial. But, we now understand from the left that Hippocrates, being a European, was a white supremacist, racist and generally bad guy and none of his tenants should be adhered to. In fact, his name should be expunged from history.

You see, this is the ultimate goal of wokeness and the left. Tear down all the teachings of thousands of years of western Judeo/Christian accomplishment and learning and replace it with a new set of codes invented in the last 40 years and enforced by communistic governmental control.

These are not small things.

Oooh, eeeh, oooh ah ah. Ting, tang walla walla bing bang. There, you are cured.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
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