They lost all sense… in San Francisco

Bye, bye love, I’ll catch you later.
Got a lead foot down on my accelerator,
And the rear view mirror torn off.
I ain’t never lookin’ back, you can count on that.
I’ve tried all I can imagine.
I’ve begged and pleaded in true lover’s fashion.
I’ve got pride. I’m takin’ it for a ride.
Bye bye. Bye bye my baby bye bye.

Bye Bye  - Jo Dee Messina


I used to love San Francisco. It had a great history, beautiful setting, a temperate climate and fantastic food. Along with London, it was one of my favorite cities in the world. I looked forward to going there every time I could.

No more. It has become a cesspool and I’m being kind with that description. I hope Tony Bennett went back to get his heart that he left there, or he would no longer recognize it.

It has been over 20 years since I was last there. And with a slight modification to Jo Dee Messina’s lyrics at the top of this page, “I ain’t never goin’ back.” The decline of this once great city has been well documented, and I won’t repeat that tale of woe here.

But the leaders (if you can call them that) of the city continue to exceed my expectations for how terrible they can make that city. They are in a race with Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City to be the most miserable place in America and the city by the bay seems intent on winning this dubious award.

There is now a guaranteed minimum income in the city…but only if you are transgender. I am not making this up. So that you don’t think this was planted in my brain by aliens, I attach a link to the application you are to fill out to try and get this $1200 minimum monthly income from the taxpayers of that city.

If you go on that page, and then click on the “GIFT Application (pdf)” (In English or conveniently in Spanish as well), you will see that you have 15 different pronoun options. But you can relish the fact that there are nearly 100 “gender identities” from which to choose. And, you are given the option to check them all in case your gender dystopia is so great that you cannot choose only 20 or 30 genders that describe you. I think I will choose the pronoun “xe” and I will be “Tida wena.” I have no idea what any of that means but since gender is apparently at state of mind on Knob Hill these days how can they deny me the right to declare myself as “Tida wena”?

To be fair, they apparently only have enough money for this program to give it to about 50 “deserving” applicants. So, it is not an expansive program. But, this program is wrong in more ways than the gender options it offers.

From a constitutional perspective, how can a benefit be given only to people based on their stated sexual orientation? If this was only for heterosexuals and was denied to LGBTQ++ people, would that be constitutional? If not, how is this?

However, my complaints go deeper than the constitution. As a conservative and a Christian, my social views have been berated by the media and the left for decades as being puritanical and judgmental and telling people how to live and what to think. We have been “moralizing,” they tell us. Well, what is the left doing now when they say that criticism of the insanity of this whole transgender narrative is “hate” and may not be allowed? Aren’t they the ones moralizing now? They are telling us what to think and what to say and what is moral aren’t they?

Everyone draws moral lines somewhere. We just draw them in different places. I oppose gay marriage both for secular and religious reasons. But many who support it believe that polygamy should be illegal. Why? They are drawing a moral line, just in a different place than where I draw mine.

What’s going on in San Francisco is, in my opinion, degenerate and destructive to civilized society. I believe I have a few thousand years of Judeo-Christian heritage to back me up on that as well as (dare I say it) science like chromosomes and stuff. They have a few opinions conjured up in the last decade by a couple of professors at Berkeley.

If these nuts want to believe this stuff and live their lives this way, go ahead. As they say, it’s a free country. But to enshrine this sickness in government and policy and give it any legitimacy (not to mention teach it in schools) is just simply wrong.

And yes, that is a moral judgment.

I remain respectfully,
Xe John Campbell
(Wakawahine, Muxe and Two-Spirit)
Mocking ridiculous policy can be very effective.
Drive fast and live free



