
My daddy left home when I was three,
And he didn’t leave much to ma and me,
Except this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze.
Now I don’t blame him that he run and hid,
But the meanest thing that he ever did,
Was before he left, he went and named me “Sue.”

And he said “ son, this world is rough.
And if a man’s gonna make it he’s gotta be tough,
And I knew I wouldn’t be there to help you along.
So, I gave you that name and I said goodbye,
And I knew you’d have to get tough or die.
It’s that name that helped to make you strong.

I got all choked up and I threw down my gun.
I called him my pa and he called me his son,
And I came away with a different point of view.
And I think about him now and then,
Every time I try and every time I win,
And if I ever have a son, I think I’m gonna name him…
…Bill or George anything but Sue!
I still hate that name.

A Boy Named Sue  -  Johnny Cash


For the second week in a row, I feel compelled to write about something I hate to write about. I will have to put off my latest observations about the economy and foreign relations for another week. Again, the leftist press is obsessed with something that is really not that important in the grand scheme of things. But that is what the left does. They manufacture issues out of thin air in order to distract you from the real problems out there that they have created. They are like magicians who focus your eye “up here” so you don’t see the slight of hand going on elsewhere.

In the last week, I have been bombarded with headlines in the press about transgenders. Are they mistreated in schools? Are there enough on corporate boards? Why do some states want to ban the mutilation of minors without the knowledge or consent of their parents? Do transgenders have sufficient safe spaces on military bases? Why don’t corporations have more transgender spokespeople and stars?

I am sick of it.

Before the recent promotion of transgenderism to cult status as something to be admired and desired, they were considered a medical anomaly that affected about 1/10th of 1% of the population. Let us first establish that there are only two genders, in spite of San Francisco identifying more than 100. The best argument I have seen as to there being only two genders is this roughly 6 minute clip in which Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire debates a trans person on a college campus. As of the time I wrote this, it has over 5 million views. It should have 500 million. 

By the way, the Daily Wire is the only news source that I read every single day. They are leading the fight against these disorders in our culture that the leftists are advancing.

I am a conservative who believes in freedom. If you want to believe you are the opposite gender than you really are, and you refuse treatments to try and correct this unfortunate condition, you are free to live your life that way.

But, when you insist on having schools teach this disfunction as “normal” or desirable, you have crossed a line. When you pass laws to allow irreversible surgeries on minors without the parents’ knowledge or consent, you have gone way too far. When you insist not that I just accept you, but that I celebrate and admire you, I’m afraid I refuse. When you require that biological men compete against women in sports and claim it is “fair and equal,” you are just wrong. When the Vice President gives an award for “courage” to someone simply because they have this abnormality, I cannot stay silent.

In other words, you can do what you want. But don’t make me also do what you want.

The media avoids reporting it, but the murders in Nashville recently were carried out by a trans activist. When will we get to see her manifesto? But this is not an isolated incident. In two other cases of which I am aware, police stopped a mass killing by a trans person before it happened. Violence by trans people against others is being reported at an increasing rate in many cities.

Great societies fall when they rot from within, then they are conquered from without. This celebration of science-denying nonsense is a rot. If you have a Y chromosome and male genitals, but think you are a woman, something is wrong with you. And it won’t stop here. In case you haven’t noticed, there are more deviations the left wants to normalize once they have forced us all by threat of jailtime to rejoice and admire all transgenders and try to become one ourselves.

Are you familiar with MAPs? That is a “minor attracted person.” That is what we used to call a pedophile, an older individual who likes to have sex with minors of any age. MAPs is the beginning of normalizing this behavior. That will be next as we celebrate 50 year old men who have sex with three-year-olds. Some on the left already are.

Transgenders need help, not celebration and encouragement. 

I have five grandchildren. Four of them are girls. Young children, girls especially, are susceptible to what the “group” is doing and what gains them societal acceptance. Surveys have shown that some 40% of young girls today have or are considering suicide. That is what the left’s winning of the culture war has wrought as children are bombarded with social media and union school teachers telling them they need to be something else than just a little girl. I worry about those girls and the society that Democrats want them to grow up in and I will try to help in whatever way I can to keep them away from this madness.

This is more rambling and less focused than my usual missives. That is in part because I hate the topic, and I really don’t want to write about it. But I am steaming mad right now. I am angry at how many children are being abused, dying and having their lives ruined at the hands of Democrat policies on education, drugs and transgenderism. I am angry at how they make up these false flag issues and won’t talk about how they are screwing up our national security and the economy. I am angry that the left threatens corporations with lawsuits and legislation if they don’t hire transgender spokespeople. So, they do, because those same corporations do not fear the right in the same way.

I want to ignore this. But those leftist bastards won’t let well enough alone.

So, neither will we.

Next week, I may get to economics, if the Marxist, leftists in the White House and NY and CA and such places don’t get me off track again. Which they probably will.

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive Fast and Live Free



Whither Thou Goest, Economy?


Unequal Justice under the Law