Unequal Justice under the Law

I see a bad moon a-rising.
I see trouble on the way.
I see earthquakes and lightning.
I see bad times today.

Don’t go around tonight.
Well, it’s bound to take your life.
There is a bad moon on the rise.

Bad Moon Rising  -  Credence Clearwater Revival


I was determined not to write about this. The Trump indictment is such BS. The press’ obsession with it is disgusting. There are so many real problems in the world that are far more significant. But I have no choice. This thing is a “nothing burger” now. But it is likely to trigger powerful impacts over the next year or so.

First let’s discuss the here and now. The charges are clearly “Trumped up” (pun intended). However, this is not surprising. It is what the authoritarian left is doing all over where they have control. In the Biden Department of Justice and in blue states and cities around the country, there is not equal justice under the law. If you are a conservative and particularly a white heterosexual one, you will be charged with any crime they can make up and get a super-maximum penalty, assuming you are not just jailed indefinitely without charges. But, if you are a Democrat and/or part of a “protected class” of citizens upon whom extra rights are conferred, then you can commit heinous crimes without penalty.

Numerous Pro-life people have been jailed and charged all over the country for “crimes” such as pushing someone at an event. At the same time, pro-abortion activists have set fire to dozens of churches and other facilities causing much damage, and the FBI refuses even to investigate. Many of the protestors at the January 6th “insurrection” (the only unarmed insurrection in recorded history) have been jailed for two years in some cases without charges or trial. Just last week, an almost identical “insurrection” occurred at the Tennessee State Capitol by rioters advocating for gun control. If you pay attention to NBC or CBS or other “mainstream” media, you likely didn’t even know this occurred in contrast to the still wall-to-wall coverage of January 6th. Will the FBI arrest anyone? Unlikely.

And of course, the very district attorney who charged Trump routinely reduces 50% or more of felony counts in NYC to misdemeanors even for violent offenders with dozens of prior convictions, and then releases them back into the public to hurt or kill again. In Los Angeles, commit armed robbery and you are likely to be released. Call someone by a pronoun they find offensive, and the full weight of the law (and then some) will be brought upon you.

And you don’t have to be conservative. You just have to do something the ruling elites don’t like. Matt Taibbi, the liberal journalist who is releasing all the very scary twitter files information, had an IRS agent show up at his door unannounced to begin a major audit. Coincidence? Any indictments of the Twitter and FBI people who colluded to spread falsehoods to help Biden’s election? None.

I could go on. This stuff is not just wrong. It is not just unconstitutional. It is not just extra-judicial. It is Marxist. This is using the power of the government and law enforcement to arrest and jail those for the crime of disagreeing with you. It is supplanting the rule of law with the rule of man. There are many more examples than the ones I have detailed here. What makes the Trump indictments important, is that he is so high-profile. He is…well…..Donald Trump.

When something bad happens to a celebrity, it raises that issue to a new level within the country. It just does.

If the left were to just let this go now, since even CNN agrees that the charges are “weak,” then I think a crisis is averted for a time. But that seems unlikely. There are three more investigation of the former president underway. And, of course, this one is not over. The Marxist judge in this case indicated that he may jail Trump if he says anything that the judge, in his own undefined discretion, finds to be “inciting violence.” The objective of the leftist cabal here is to get Trump the Republican nomination by making him a martyr to Republican voters over the next 11 months. Then they will slam him with so many charges and maybe even jail him so he can’t campaign in order to enable their feeble president and incompetent vice-president to be reelected. You think I am a conspiracy theorist? Well, what about Twitter and Russia-gate and the Hunter Biden laptop. The conspiracy theories were right. We have proof that the cabal is working together to lie, cheat and steal our Democracy.

I know reasonable people who are nominally conservative who voted for Joe Biden. They did so because they thought “lunch bucket” Joe would be moderate and bring the temperature down in American politics. He has done the opposite. The divisions are much, much greater today than they were when Trump was president. The press of course, amplified them under Trump and is playing them down under Biden. What the left is doing now is fanning these flames even further. I worry that if they keep this up, the divisions in the country may start to break some things.

In the meantime, all of this helps candidate Trump, at least in the primary. He is raising more money. He has the benefit of victimhood now. If you hated him before, you still do. If you love him, you now will fight even harder to right these wrongs. And his declared and un-declared primary opponents now will have trouble attacking him so they are not seen to be aiding the enemy. I watched his speech at Mar-a-Lago after the hearing. It was vintage Trump. One thing I think he did very effectively, was remind people how much better off everything was three years ago. The economy, crime, border control and inflation were all dramatically better. There was no war in Europe. China and Russia were not allies against us. The Abraham accords were the greatest accomplishment towards peace in the Middle East since World War II, and now Biden has undone them. American was energy independent and we have lost that as well. Things were pretty good then. They are bad now and getting worse every day.

I am not an always-Trumper. Yes, I voted for him in 2016 and 2020. I was hoping we could move on to someone with courage and conservative values but without Trump’s personality turn-offs. But the American Marxist Left won’t let him go. And of course, his ego won’t let him leave the stage either. America is in danger of breaking apart. Of course, that is what the left wants because then they will use their authoritarianism to bring it back together at the point of a sword and the muzzle of a gun that only they will be allowed to own.

And while all that was going on in New York, Chicago elected a new Marxist mayor. That once grand city, with more public debt than 44 states, is doomed. And in Wisconsin, they elected a new member of their state Supreme Court who will follow the leftist dictate that judges need not follow the law if that law is not “just” or was written by people who are “racists” or “transphobes.”

The CCR song with which I began this missive was written by John Fogerty (who, coincidentally, has a vacation home up the street from my home in Scottsdale) and was released in 1969 at the height of the Vietnam war and nuclear threats. I try not to use the same song twice in these blogs and don’t believe I have done so yet. But the way things are developing, Bad Moon Rising may become the theme song of this website. There are two more verses I could use.

John Fogerty was wrong. The country did not fall apart. I hope I am wrong too.

And if like me, you first listened to that song on a one-crappy speaker AM radio and you thought the lyrics were “there is a bathroom on the right” as I did, you are forgiven.

I Remain Respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive Fast and Live Free




The Corruption of Culture