
Tell me why you cried, and why you lied to me.
Tell me why you cried, and why you lied to me.
Well, I gave you everything I had.
But, you left me sitting on my own.
Did you have to treat me oh so bad.
All I do is hang my head and moan.

Tell Me Why  -  The Beatles


As Joe Rogan has recently pointed out, even the CDC now admits that the vaccines do not prevent a person from contracting or spreading the new variants of the Chinese Virus. And cloth masks may make someone feel better, but even CNN admits that they are ineffective in preventing transmission of the disease. Yet, in spite of this general understanding, the Biden Regime and their Blue State allies, are continuing to force vaccine and mask mandates everywhere and at all times. 


Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Portland and Seattle all have District Attorneys who are hell-bent on releasing criminals of all kinds and on not prosecuting theft and burglary and rape and any number of other crimes. Not surprisingly, the result has been substantial increases in all crimes in all of these cities. The campaigns for office of these DAs were substantially funded by the hedge fund billionaire George Soros. Soros has targeted other DAs around the country including Orange County, California, and Phoenix, Arizona. Those are two I know of, but I suspect there are many others around the country. Mr. Soros clearly wants to bring lawlessness and crime beyond the big blue cities to red areas around the country. 


Greta Thunberg (now in the running for the Nobel Peace Prize), John Kerry, Boris Johnson, AOC and others tell us that we only have about 12 years left to reverse the effects of human carbon-based climate change or mass extinction will begin on the planet. Nuclear energy has environmental issues with disposal of the waste and the potential for accidents. But it is the only currently viable non-carbon-based energy source that could maybe generate enough energy to replace the carbon sources. If we are all going to die in 12 years from carbon emissions, it would seem obvious that we should be constructing nuclear plants all over the place. But the climate change activists vehemently oppose nuclear even though it is a practical, cost effective “zero emission” source.


None of these things make any sense, even looking at them through the lens of the people involved. I have never been a conspiracy theorist. But when things are nonsensical on the surface, there must be something else at play that is not easily visible. We have learned about the Russian collusion hoax just to name one recent situation where an unseen conspiracy did in fact exist. 

So, with no inside information and only my own reasoning and intuition to guide me, here are my speculations as to what may really be going on here.

In the case of the China Virus mandates, you could suggest that there is a financial motive to make a lot of money for the drug companies by mandating their products. Possible, but unlikely in my view. One of the Leftist’s dreams is to install socialized medicine in the U.S. I suspect the mandates are a way to ease us into that and into government control of our health care. See, the government saved most of us from viral death and the government distributed it all and the government told us what was safe and what wasn’t, and the government paid for it all. So, let’s now let the government do more of this for us. Wrong of course, but this is the narrative they want to present and of course the propaganda media is happy to comply. 

In the case of George Soros, we usually suspect that the very wealthy do everything for money. I don’t see how letting violent criminals go free makes Soros any more cash. What does allowing rampant crime do? It destabilizes society. It makes people fearful. It engenders chaos on the streets. Is this what Soros wants, to destabilize society so much that it can be replaced with an authoritarian or totalitarian regime in which he holds ultimate power? I can’t think of any other reason.

In the case of the Climate Change warriors, their opposition to the only existing practical solution is prima facie evidence that this is not about what they say it is. So, what is it? Control of all of life is the only thing I can think. When you control energy and food, you control everything. They can force us all to be vegan and to limit our houses and travel to what the elites allow us to have. Human caused climate change is a false narrative being used to enable government and elitist control of all that we do. I can’t think of anything else. 

These are not the only such non-sequiturs out there. These are just three obvious ones. You may have different ideas of what the real reason is behind the actions of the left here and I would love to hear them. E-mail me through the contact tab in this website. 

The one overriding conclusion I reach is as follows. The leftists want radical revolutionary change in almost everything that extinguishes most of America (and much of the democratic west) as we know it. But they can’t say that, or they would frighten too many people away. So, they hide their agenda behind the veil of compassionate sounding themes. 

I’ve never understood their need to control us. If you are a Vegan, great! Be a vegan. It doesn’t matter to me at all. I love beef. Why do you have to tell me I can’t eat what I want when I don’t tell you that you can’t eat what you want?

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive fast & live free


The Cabal Acts of the Week

