Before the Deluge

Now let the music keep our spirits high.
Let the buildings keep our children dry.
Let creation reveal its secrets by and by.
When the light that’s lost within us reaches the sky.

Before the Deluge  -  Jackson Browne


All signs are now pointing to a good night for Republicans nationwide on Tuesday.


We all know many of the reasons. But one major one is contained in the clip below. This is a link to an interview on “Meet the Press” (the Palm Pilot of news programs) in which host Chuck Todd interviews New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu. This clip contains both a video and a transcript of the interview:

A few takeaways from this interview:

1.     Chuck Todd (one of those many leftist voices in media who pretends to be an impartial news broadcaster when in fact he dishes out leftist propaganda filled with lies daily) keeps harping on “election denialists” as being more important than inflation and economics. He’s not just in a bubble. He is on another planet.

2.     He suggests that the public is wrong to put economics over “election denialism” and implies that the public needs to be reeducated on this matter. If only the elites, like Todd,  could direct us all to correct our thinking when it is wrong. Oh wait, that is exactly what the Biden administration’s “ministry of truth” along with Google, Facebook and Twitter have been doing. Todd’s problem is that it isn’t working.

3.     Sununu destroys him in this interview. The NH governor is good at this.

4.     If “election denialism” disqualifies one from holding public office, what about Stacey Abrams denials about the 2018 election in Georgia? What about all the denials by members of congress of Trump’s election win and both GW Bush wins? Apparently, as long as the reason for one’s “denial” is voter suppression, then you are correct and virtuous. Any other reasoning is verboten.

5.     William F Buckley, Jr. once said that he would rather be governed by the first 50 names in the Boston phone book than by the 50 most elite professors at Harvard, Princeton and Yale. Amen to that.

My point here is not to rile you up over this stuff. You don’t need me to do that.

It is to point out a major reason why the Dems prospects look so bleak at the moment. They continue to harp on “issues” about which the public does not care. The fact that someone as apparently bright as Chuck Todd, can’t let go of these non-resonating issues one week before an election tells you all you need to know about why they are losing. One of the strengths of the left is the religious fervor with which they believe in their issues. One of the weaknesses of the left is their inability to pivot when their religion is not gaining any converts.

One unrelated note about another of the left’s religious tenants – climate change. A study by the International Energy Agency (IEA) states that in order to build the number of electric vehicles that manufacturers and governments say they are going to build by 2030, the world will need 50 new lithium mines, 60 new nickel mines and 17 new cobalt mines. That’s in the next seven years long before the 100% EV mandates kick in. The IEA is not a conservative group and is all-in on the climate narrative. But the same people mandating EVs are the same people who will not allow these mines to be dug. They can’t have it both ways. Either dig the mines and destroy a bunch of forests and burn a bunch of carbon or drop the EV mandate. But, they will likely proceed on their path until something breaks, which would be the world economy.

And a final note for the week, have noticed how, according to the propaganda media here, we now have “far-right” governments in Italy and Israel, but somehow the openly socialist new president in Brazil is only “left-leaning”?

I will write to you all again, “after the deluge.”

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive Fast and Live Free




The Democrat’s Election Dilemma