Words of Others: Go Bold

Nobody does it better. Makes me feel sad for the rest.
Nobody does it half as good as you.
Baby you’re the best.

Nobody Does it Better – Carly Simon


I read a lot. That’s how I try to stay up on events. 

Many times I read something and say to myself, that’s really good. I wish I had thought of that. It happens more than I might like to admit.

Every once in a while, I will pass one of these along. Here is a recent piece by Victor Davis Hanson. His stuff is always worth reading but I thought this one was particularly good and interesting. 

I do have one major addition to his list of ten. In #9 he briefly references educational indoctrination. Democrats have “owned” the education issue for a long as I can remember. We have tried so many things over the decades to wrestle that issue from them in the eyes of the public. Remember “No Child Left Behind”? None of them worked. 

Now, the left is handing us this issue on a silver platter. I remember years ago when a teacher’s union head was caught saying something to the effect of “we will care about the kids as soon as they start paying union dues”. They are a labor group, so I get that their focus is the employment conditions of their members, and they only pretend to care about students. But, now they are going even farther. The head of the NEA has made it clear that their future priorities are not even labor issues but social justice and political activism. 

The Republican sweep in Virginia was almost entirely because of the desire of the public to see education return to “reading and writing and ‘rithmatic”, and away from social justice and climate change and gender fluidity. Universities, which were once bastions of free speech, have transitioned to overpriced, closed institutions of indoctrination as well, where learning job skills is frowned upon and debate is not allowed when challenging the leftist norms. 

So, I think reforming education at all levels needs to be a top Republican priority in 2022 and beyond. 

With that, I present Victor Davis Hanson: https://nypost.com/2022/01/20/what-the-gop-should-run-on-in-the-midterm-elections/

I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
Drive fast & live free



