John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Statistics You May Not Know

You might expect me to talk about Iran’s attack on Israel this past weekend, which is obviously the big news. I have little to add to that until we see how it plays out from here. In other areas of interest, there are lots of facts and figures of which you might not be aware. So, this missive will concentrate on that. Hopefully, you will find this informative.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Social Security

A couple of weeks ago, Ben Shapiro “broke the internet” (his words) with a provocative review of Social Security. Basically, he said it was going bankrupt (true) and that we needed to get rid of it. I’m not so sure about that last part. Let’s dig into the issue.

Now, let’s look at a little history of Social Security. It was started as part of FDR’s New Deal in 1935. The retirement age was set at 65. In 1935, the average American lived only to age 60. So, the average person had been dead for 5 years before they could collect social security. Which means they collected nothing.

The math worked.

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