I am not a fan of Russian oligarchs. But we should not confiscate the assets of anyone in the United States without conviction of a crime. If they can take a Russian’s yacht because the government doesn’t like the political position the owner took, they can take your car for protesting at a school board meeting.
Positive Engagement with Caution
As I write this, there is news that the Russians may be pulling back from Kiev and are more prepared to talk as their military adventures seem to be failing. Maybe so. Maybe not. Amongst the many great utterances of Sir Winston Churchill is his comment that “the future, though imminent, is uncertain”. That has always been true. It is especially true now.
Woman not a woman
So, Biden’s Supreme Court nominee was chosen expressly because she is a woman and also is black. But the person chosen as a woman can’t tell us what a woman is. How can we know that she is one then?
Since at least 2006, there has been little of import in Congress upon which Republicans and Democrats have agreed. These divisions were one of the many reasons I chose to leave Congress. That was 2014. The divisions have only gotten worse.
When the Republican Caucus in the House (actually called the Republican Conference for reasons I never understood) would meet at least weekly, members would speak to the group at various times about various things. Several times when I stood up, I would repeat a phrase which explained my activity in that august body; “My ideology guides my thinking, but it does not replace my thinking.”
The Green Conundrum
Sometime in the early 1990s, I remember hearing about a meeting of environmentalists in, where else, Northern California. They had a problem. They wanted to serve the group something to drink. Clearly Styrofoam or plastic cups were out. Paper cups were discussed but they involve the destruction of trees and so were a no go. Perhaps people could bring their own reusable cups. But, the reusable cups would have to be washed which uses water, a resource stored behind evil dams and needed by endangered fish.
Ukraine – Looking Ahead
We can never be sure exactly what is happening on the ground in any war. Even the people fighting it are often lost in “the fog of war”. Regardless of the outcome and regardless of how much time passes until the war is won by one side or the other or a truce is declared, this conflict has changed things for all of us going forward.
Words of Others, Ben Shapiro
If you are not a subscriber to Daily Wire, you should be. It is one of the few things I read and/or listen to every day. Shapiro’s opening line is as follows: “ Ladies and Gentlemen, we gather here tonight to mourn the state of our nation. Because, the state of our nation is pathetic. And it is pathetic, in the main, because of the president of the United States”. It gets better after that.
Ukraine – The Chaos Begins
I began this website and blog in January with the title “look through the chaos”, because I believe that we are going to see tumult and chaos as the United States and to some degree in the whole world in the coming few years. This chaos will come as we all deal with the resolution of major schisms in 5 different dimensions. Those dimensions are Political, Economic, Social, Cultural and International.
My Heroes
If Google shut down tomorrow, you might not be able to instantly find out how old that actress is, but your life would not be noticeably different. If Amazon went away, you might pay a little more and have to go to the store to get things, but you’d be OK. If all the lawyers stopped working, well, some might think the world would be a better place.
The Whole Truth
In April 1865, a very popular and well-regarded actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth went to a theater he frequented in Washington DC. Twelve days later, he was hunted down and killed by federal cavalry troopers who lit the barn he was in on fire and then shot him. But it is not the whole truth.
Whither thou Goest Inflation?
On March 2nd, 2021, Reuters interviewed Mary Daly, president of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. She said in part “runaway inflation is not imminent…The bigger risk is too low inflation, and it will likely be some time before inflation is sustainably back to 2%.”