John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Predictions – Real Beats Digital

It will not surprise regular readers of these missives that I am and have long been a Star Trek fan. Now, I was not fanatic enough to attend any conventions dressed as a Romulan, but I did write letters to the studio in the late 60s in an attempt to keep the show on the air. Our appeals were successful to get season 3 but failed to obtain a 4th season of the original series.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Predictions: EVs and Trouble at Tesla

I am not anti-electric vehicles. In fact, I own two of them. I did not buy them because I believe any of the garbage that somehow, I am saving the planet with them. I am a car guy and I bought them because I enjoy the very different driving experience and because I think the technology is fascinating. Neither of them are Teslas, however. Personally, I am not fond of Teslas.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell


You are not paying anything to read this blog. That is good, because I am going to make some predictions about a bunch of things over the next month and said predictions are probably of little if any value. However, I will make them anyway. I obviously think I’m right about these things or I would not make any prediction at all. The captivating Mrs. Campbell, my wife of 43 years, will be happy to enumerate all the times I have been wrong…if you have a few days.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

School Shootings

When I was in Congress, after any tragedy be it natural or man-made, the press was on me instantly for a reaction. I hated this. Obviously the first thing you do is offer sympathy and solace and, if you are a person of faith, prayer for the victims and their families. Although you have to do it, my own words rang hollow to me since I did not know these people and often did not know this place. How could my thoughts provide any comfort to anyone other than myself?

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

The Crucible of Bad Ideas

Growing up in California, we had all been told and came to learn that many trends started in California and then spread nationally. This was, for the most part, a good thing in the 60s, 70s and 80s. The tax revolt movement of proposition 13, the liability protection limits for medical malpractice, the clean air policies are all just examples of voter inspired activities that spread from the formerly golden state. From 1968 until 1988, all but 6 of those years a California Republican occupied the White House. And, of course, maybe the best thing to come from California in this period: The Beach Boys.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Divisions Deepen

The leak of the Supreme Court draft decision in the Dobbs v Jackson abortion case has been front page news for the last couple of weeks. The Democrats and their allies in the Tech and Media Cabal believe this issue will motivate their base to come out and vote in November perhaps saving them some seats or even the majority in the Senate. Maybe. At the moment, it looks like they will run on a platform of January 6th and Roe v Wade because any of the issues pertinent to the daily lives of most Americans look bad for the party in charge. So, the cabal will keep the issue front and center through November.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Toxic Climate Change

Some years ago, when the whole climate change cacophony began, I was not that worried about it. It seemed to me that they were just environmentalists going a little too far beyond clean air, water and open space into this ethereal area of “greenhouse gases.” Of course, back then, it was called “global warming.” The shift in nomenclature from “global warming” to “climate change” occurred about 15 years ago or so.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

As I write this, The government just released their “estimate” of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth for the first quarter of 2022. It was down 1.4%. This was a surprise to many, including to me. After all, the GDP growth in the previous quarter was up 6.9%. That’s a big swing in 3 months. What happened? According to reports, GDP was down because of increasing trade deficits as well as supply chain problems.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

The Kids

Certain issues tend to belong to one political party or the other. For example, Republicans have “owned” the issue of national security pretty much since the cold war started. That is still the case. Democrats, on the other hand, have owned the issue of education for as long as I can remember. That, however, may be changing.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Midnight Musings

I often wake up in the middle of the night. I didn’t used to. It’s a function of being older than dirt, I guess. I used to fight it, but now I embrace it. It’s quiet and a good time to think. Once I’ve jotted my thoughts down, I can often return to sleep and get a few more hours in so that the next day is not a total loss. Last night, I had a bunch of quick thoughts on a number of items that are only related to one another in that they are all political in nature.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Income Inequality and Inflation

Income inequality is a real thing. I’m not fond of the term (I think it should be increasing income disparity), but it exists and it has been increasing steadily in the U.S. and most advanced economies for 40 years. It is greater in blue states than in red ones.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Inflation, the Economy, Politics and the Fed

Last week, the stock market was rocked, albeit briefly, when the soon to be confirmed Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Lael Brainard, stated that she supported a 50-basis point rise in interest rates in May and a plan to pull $95 Billion a month out of the economy through the sale of bonds in order to reduce the rate of inflation. The markets saw this as one of the Fed’s main “doves” reversing course and becoming a policy “hawk.”

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

Ethanol and Gasoline

There have been lots of Democratic presidents and governors with whom I have not agreed. Biden is clearly one of them. But where the Biden regime stands out is in their sheer incompetence. I don’t think the cloud has enough bits for me to list all of the moronic moves of this regime. But the one that was announced on the day I am writing this (April 12th) is right up there in the moronic top 10.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

To EV or not to EV

We are almost all going to die of climate change in 12 years if we don’t reduce carbon emissions. President Biden is telling us, and starting to mandate, that we all buy EVs as part of the solution. EVs require a bunch of metals and minerals like graphite, copper, manganese, lithium, nickel and cobalt in much greater quantities than internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

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John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell

My Hometown

I was born and raised in Los Angeles. Not exactly the town described in the Jason Michael Carroll song above. And, I was born in the city of Los Angeles, not the “Los Angeles area”. I went to 3rd-6th grade in an LA Unified District Public School and graduated from High School in North Hollywood. I received my undergraduate degree at UCLA in Los Angeles and got my master’s degree from USC in Los Angeles. This was all in the 50s, 60s and early 70s. LA was the 3rd largest city in America then.

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